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A member registered Mar 19, 2021

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The game said something about Status being available, but i can't seem to find it. Playing on Android. ( I maybe haven't played enough yet?)

I second this. Mainly Joy's playlist. I rather enjoyed the music in the bar.

Yeah, came here to say that as well.

I am looking forward to see what you can achieve.

I submitted a survey response for you, and I hope there are some necessary fixes to the game. So far I enjoyed the game even with just spamming cards until I won. I made it to level 53 before the end of the demo and can one shot both girls with 1 hit. Not sure if that is a feature or bug, but I like games letting me power trip and grind to become as strong as I want. I'm looking forward to where this game goes. I enjoyed the art and the scenes, even though (as of now for just the demo) they are a little simple. I'll keep following to see the progress you make for the game.

Intelligence is how much mana you recover when your card wins. Strength is how much damage you do when either winning or tieing in a round.

I literally just spammed cards as there is no strategy. It helps to do the quests and level up your stats before you fight her though. I got to level 53 before the end of the demo without ever losing a fight.

I fixed this by going back to the main menu and reloading my save.

Not sure what is going on, I even deleted the game to try a fresh install. 

Very nice update. Hope all is going well and looking forward to what else you produce!

Is this never going to be updated on here?

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... I'm sorry you have to deal with shitbags... (For reference, go through the pc vids after the tutorial.) Thank you for options. Thank you for the PURE FANTASY situations you have created. I mean Hell, you literally give people an option to opt out and give PLENTY of warnings about darker themes. People are stupid, but there are those of us who do appreciate you for even giving us the option. Thank you and I hope you are well. I was initially concerned with the Ugly Bastard intro, but after the tutorial realized how much more than that it is. It is dark, twisted, and ultimately awful. To me, this is definitely a positive, as you are the author. I mean it definitely has some shining points in reference to YOUR CHOICES. This is not a game for the faint of heart of the ones who want a simple, hand holding adventure. I enjoy previewing the darker notes of my brain, so again, I will just say thank you and if you are not okay with this, feel free to step out. There are thousands of happy go lucky feel good H games you can enjoy. 


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You are asking for a lot for a game to be on the Google Play Store. A lot of games on this site are primarily built for PC, and to reach a wider audience, they convert it to being able to played on a mobile device. It includes a lot of work. Different OS and different interface for interaction to say the least. It also involves different coding. So any publisher that bothers to make it "phone capable" is already in my highest standing.

I've never published a game and have not partaken in the build of one, but I know some level of coding, and that is definitely a chore. This game is great for what it is. Should it ever reach the GPS? No. They should be supported through their Patreon and loved by the circles that understand it. Steam is a definite potentially maybe! Google Play Store and the hoops and the level of editing unless you release a watered down version that requires so much more maintenance.... Not worth it.

Downloaded "new" update from 27 days ago, mobile info still says 2.2.1, is this just an issue with the version display? Or is the smaller update not updated yet for public? (So to pour my soul out, I'm jobless and broke, and have been for a while. No fun.) I want to be able to support games that I love, and this one definitely reaches those standards. It's got enough about it that if you were in some of the situations, it would be weird and awkward, but enough about the masked primal urge of mating. I'm tired. Sorry if this doesn't make much sense. Game is Grade A OK and is copium.

Okay, I must have missed that! Thanks for the heads up!

That more relies on your host and time. Mine was dl'ed in 10 min with a 400mb non tethered connection. On mobile data I was looking at over 3 hours.

So, I'm a little dumb on this subject. I downloaded the new version, have the 0.12.2 installed. Idk how to make the pc download work without an apk. Do I have to find the program path and move the extracted files there and the game will auto update or..? Any help would be very appreciated. I really am enjoying this game and the storyline so far.

There IS an Android version, but due to the new battle system YeeHaw implemented, the Android version was pulled until it can be made to work proper.

Tried downloading the Android version, but it is saying that it is version 0.12, not 0.2.

Haha, apologies for being mistaken Ayane! Also, after some attempts, I found that scene, but am still stuck! 97%, haha, man I am missing something obvious apparently. 

I appreciate the effort you are putting into the mobile version, as I do have a pc, I just tend to play mobile a lot more unless I am playing a game with someone. I probably just need to go through each map at each different hour to find what I am missing. Looking forward to the next update!

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So, loving the update, playing on mobile, the combat is a bit rough at first, as the controls have to be so precise, but that's hard to manage for a mobile version in the first place. Found an exploit for farming levels after defeating the slime boss. You can go back and keep killing him, as he no longer moves or attacks, so just figured I would let you know about that. The health potions don't seem to restock after sleeping, if you don't go to sleep by at least night. I went to sleep multiple times at late night, and then I couldn't get the potions back and couldn't figure out why. I'm currently stuck at 97%, have all scenes, found both treasures from the maps, magic and combat are 0/3, and gave the mandrake root to the kitsune. Is there something I'm missing here? Only three quests I have left are the main story, the sword in the stone, and the Kitsune ritual. Any advice would be appreciated! (OH right, one other thing, when going to the Neko statue by the castle, the scrolling image is just a black screen on mobile.)