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A member registered Jul 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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W game

thanks. tehehehehehehe

yeah hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha

yes the post processing really took a crap on the game. downloaded version SHOULD work a bit better than the browser, though. Thanks for playing!

Much appreciated bro

Nice comment. thanks!


This comment is good

There's no coding on Blender. Blender is a software that includes 3D modeling that you can then export into Unity, Unreal, Godot, etc.

pretty cool comment, it's pretty cool.

The game is coming to STEAM! Wishlist now, and play the game when the new update comes out soon! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2785480/Battle_Clash/

Yes! This guy is correct! @everyone I used Unity's Assets on the Asset store to make this game! I totally made this game as a serious project and really care about it!

thanks man. I added a castle map, and have some big news for the game just keep up with my youtube!

I will fix this!

lol I didn't add a leave feature 💀. New update coming soon has it though.

thank you!

thank you!

I forgor💀

I'll try to add it


new update 

much love

thanks. yeah im  def not an artist, more of a programmer

yes, its possible, ive beat it but maybe its because I made it so its easier for me. I purposefully made it reset but  now that I think about it, I could've made it reset after you beat the game , instead of everytime going back to menu.  Also, you have to beat it to get cheats


lol thanks

thank you

appreciate it

thank you

thanks for  playing my game

I understand, but if there was no lock, it would be kinda easy. Thanks for playing!

thank you

ikr where’s it at???

thank you, did you play the web version or downloaded? did it run well? a couple people are saying it doesnt run and low fps and stuff

What do you mean it doesnt work? it works fine for me.  was it the web version that doesnt work? the web version may not work so try the downloaded version

could you possibly send a video for me to see? Does the downloaded version work well?

it has come a long way

Wierd game jam community · Created a new topic theme

what is the theeme!!!?!?!?
what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?what is the theeme!!!?!?!?

nice visuals

good stuff