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I'm Happy Games

A member registered Nov 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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there is a soft lock in the pipes in 2

1/10. the controls are hard

if kirby was a frog

what os are you using?



how do i download it for linux?

Yes. These are intentional. We did not have time for sound, and to win the game you have to kill all the enemies. Thanks for the comment.

Hi, thanks for the feedback. I hadn't tested it for Windows yet. Will try and fix it.


what dose this even say

do you use Windows


just wanna ask, have you guys found any bugs?



that is this?! how do i move???????

Hi, I did get it working, and I am using Linux :)

wow...this game really dose suck

that was awesome!!!!! i really liked it. plz make another mario game, but don't make it hard. it took me countless trys to complete the game. but good job

i downloaded it and i don't know how to play it

thanks :D

this is a really good game! please tell me what you used to make the sprites.

(1 edit)

well, I did the sprite but I didn't put the old man in the game yet. thanks!

(1 edit)

thanks, I wanted it to look like a Nintendo game from the first nintendo :D

Thanks =D