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A member registered Jul 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Somewhat similar: that one has to do with the dialogue system hogging the current camera. Since most of the progression is done through calling autoload functions thru dialogue, we're sometimes very narrowly dodging unintended conflicts.

I suspect the KEY-LO room one has to do with an errant call to kill the loading screen upon entry.

The ladder one, though, is kind of funny: it's just globally translating player position, but seems to go awry when it's interacted with while other inputs are active. I think I've built so many checks and timers around that exact glitch that, at this point, I should probably just rethink it entirely, lol.

Thanks so much for the bug reports, & for being supportive of THREE VERSES from the very beginning. I will make sure these are fixed :)

Oh no! I appreciate you being charitable despite some pretty big bugs :') My sincere apologies.

I also appreciate you being detailed.
I'm gonna look into both of these today;

The ladder bug I'm aware of / have struggled with a bit, but will properly solve now.

The KEY-LO room entrance crash -- I have not experienced yet, but I'll try to replicate it. I've at least got a suspicion what could be causing it.

Thanks again, luv

I appreciate your kind words despite the frustrating bug; I'm sorry about that x.x

May I ask: when did you download the game? I ask because the bug sounds like something I thought I'd patched in the most recent version, but if you were playing the new version I need to double check :o




damn u werent lying


Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

another ribon classic :)

I love it. Thank you

I Love You

thank you :) <3

much appreciated :) was playing smt1 recently and thinking about our fight theme. desktop_trash made both the battle mechanics and the battle music; she totally nailed it

thanks for playing, and for the kind words <3

thank u angel kero <3

There's no save function (didnt have time hehe). I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)

The Third Mind doesn't contain the unabridged permutation. I took some quick photo scans and uploaded them here.

Thank you ! @desktop_trash made the gargoyle battles. Our next project we've discussed working on together is a more straightforward RPG, so if nothing else you will one day have a spiritual sequel <3

I'm glad you think so! I think I will try to expand that idea more in the next thing I work on. there was something that felt nice about it, like etrian odyssey or phantom hourglass maps on the DS. one of my favorite parts of watching playthroughs was seeing how people used the notepad.

thanks so much :)

This is truly special.


replying to myself to say they are stupid for not liking this game

i love dosogy i love toma i love this game

thank you my friend <3

high praise from the GOAT herself :')

Oh hell yeah, I had to get that track for the part I made; it's one of my favorites Gecko has ever done. it's called rosicurian crosses.

i think one of the last things i added was that transformation cutscene where the building turns into a tree LOL, so that's definitely an area i have had trouble making clear ;)

it was a joy seeing you play, tsuneko!! <3

truly honored to read this. i'm glad it clicks for you; we put a lot of ourselves into this lil game. thank you for playing & sharing your thoughts :)

Great work to you and your team; I'm happy to see this taking off :-)

thank you so much for your thoughtful comment; i'm happy you enjoyed the game :)

i appreciate you <3

update: i have played this game for maybe five hours and i am astonished

i know the feeling hehe

very nice audiovisual experience. i really love the little secret windows in the gallery. there's also something charming about the player character; it feels foreign in the way that LSD's player character feels foreign. i like it. i must note that i got overzealous eating tide pods in the endless plane area and crashed the game.

i'm in a big field

with all my friends


this has been a joy to play. it is very difficult to imagine designing a world like this. i'm learning the contours of it just by experience, and it's difficult to put into words. but it feels more than anything like how one comes to know a dream.

really cool!! i love old character generator screens. your titlecard makes me think of this Sharon Hayes piece: