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Zero BSOD's during those malfunctions. Was a very interesting issue, though. I doubt I could recreate it just for research purposes. I'll admit odds are high I could be wrong with my diagnosis. Hope things can work out with his/her hardware. Shame the prices are ludicrously high for hardware these days.
I had a very similar issue. Took a while to troubleshoot. I don't have the same hardware as our Cptn but a 1080 gtx and I don't render...yet. Every reboot a conflict with two apps (Win10 Weather of all things and the Corsair Cooler software) maxed out all fans, temps on cpu's were 212f, gpu was around 180f, and it was very loud. Removed weather and Corsair software and that was that. Weird, eh?
Just looked up the specs and price of the RTX 3090. Holy f****!! There seem to be, according to Lord Google search, many varieties. Ranging from 700-2200 USD. Early spring I had an issue w/ an app on my machine that caused my CPU's and GTX 1080 8gb to run at 219f until I found a way to slow it down. All fans were maxed, all CPU cores were maxed, was freaking me out.
My appreciation for your work, and all the others out there, went wayyy up after learning the cost of hardware for 3D rendering. I wonder how long it would take my machine. lol.
Keep up the good work, Cap.