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A member registered Aug 02, 2021

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Not gona lie its kinda sus just HOW many people play these H games on there phones 

Thank you I did Bernice quest and the shop unlocked

cant seem to remember where to find condoms in this game

i tried to enjoy this game but i played it for 3 hours and found none of the H content so ima let him cook and maybe itle be good in a year or so lol

I understand the game is ment around you playing the game multiple times but is there like.. without being a pansy about it like a pacificist mode where princess dont go to war with each other so you can just play out the entire game? and see all the scene etc?

Any plans to make first playthrough easier? i tried playing this game couple months ago and before i even knew what to really do every content was either dead or at war with each other and i wasnt able to do like 90% of the content farthest ive gotten was to wyvern princess and she flew away the second i met her

is there any NTR? and is it avoidable 

This is like one of the highest quality H games i have ever played Legitimately i went to check his patreon because i wanted to see if he had launched an update since this 1.2.3B Version and his last Post was 7 months ago.... It actually crushed me.. If your not dead and ever come back to working on this game id be willing to pay like 30$ for it

IS there a way for gwen not to break her back and lose the ability to walk?

Hey im no stranger to support good H content Devs but sometimes here on itch its confusing I i buy the game for the 3usd here on the site will i get acess to future updates or will there be a Sale of the game later that is say 15$ that i will have to buy to get acess to the rest of the game?

Love the game i just also agree the waiting for the clock to tick to the correct time is anoying i wish it just instantly went there and the clock time changed like thoes old clocks where it just Ticks down to the correct number instantly

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hey do old saves work with this game beause i havent played since Vr 0.19.5 like am i going to be missing out on things that were changed early into the game is it recommended to start over?

I was thinking of buy this but if its censord good call random dude on the internet for warning me


Guys ive done all the steps for the Maxine quest but i cant seem to get it to progress any advicer`s 

guys just started the game best fap session from a gave ive ever had but reading the comments i see alot of people with problems are there any game breaking glitches for questlines i should look out for?

First time playing this h game again since 0.19.5 

Lets see what i missed

Oh fk yea its the Christmas event how do i finish it would i miss any events if i just skipped to january

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idk if glitched but i cant go to beach anymore all of the icons to go to the beach are gone... after downloading new 9.3 version

Looking forward to it mate 

Gald theres no NTR Thanks :)



This is gona sound Thirsty af but any chance youl add the slapping sounds for the tits when having sex with the girls in the shower? Atleast for prim?

I bought the Dvd Lolita but it wont let me watch it with her telling me i need to buy the dvd still? do i have to resell the dvd and buy it again?

Is the combat Mandatory or is there like a Visual Novel Mode aswell? not gona lie somtimes actually playing a Rpg gets repetitive and i just wana watch tits bounce 

Amazing game honestly stopped fapping halfway through and just played it out for the story lol good game I enjoyed playing it 

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I enjoy the game none the less ima simple to apeasee man big breasts = Me happy

why does it say maddie is unavailable

Bro maybe you should advertise that on here I spent like 4 hours playing normally farming crops literally everyday barely afording the 200$ a month like i had gamblinb debts LMAOOO

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Not gona lie isabelle kinda ruins the fantasy of this game for me really dont like her character mindlessly being the only women in the game that Dislikes the Mc idk i guess some people are into it but if you actually read the dialouges that happen with all the scenes inculding her its kind of a turn off not really the stuff u wana hear

also idk maybe its the point but isabelle kinda ruins the fantasy of this game really dont like her character mindlessly being the only women in the game that Dislikes the Mc

whats the differences between the patreon version and normal one i bought the patreon one for 5$

are there any mods to make game easier lmao im actually failing at the quest to get the goblin girl in the mud

bro idk every H-Game ive played telling anyone a lie about there family has ended bad 

game looks good and updates very often is there a time you think it best to come back and buy when its fully polished?

idk ive had a huge problem i completed all sidequest none of the chracters died and then while talking to the merchant when clicking my invetory my game crashed and i lost like 5 hours of gameplay in the future can you please create an autosave function because i replayed some of it and then the pick haired elf died and ruined my want to even continue playing the game lol having to replay it AGAIN for her not to die.Having characters who have scene be able to die huge turn off for me..

call me weird if you want but i find this Splatoon ish looking style really hot even if its very simple i hope you go far with this project i dont like playing early acess stuff but ile def be checking this out when you hit like 0.25.0 atleast dont let the haters win you got this shit

Love the update happy to support you and all the itch H-Game Devs here becuase alot of my favorite devs patreon are randomly being taken down heres to help you guys out :)

IS there a combo pack that has the base game and all the current Dlc`s ?