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da monke

A member registered Nov 20, 2023

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(1 edit)


mak a stealth game


water weapons would be so cool too! imagine rusting your enemies joints making it harder for them to move

suggestion: fire that can spread on an enemy and fire related weapons (flare guns and flamethrowers) remember to not overwork yourself with the suggestions and feel free to decline the idea.

they are coming out with a vr game of it on dec 12

im telling a trusted adult!


I've played this game for a while and have seen the similarities to another indie game called "Clone Drone in the Danger Zone" which has not only multiplayer like this game but also a campaign where you fight multiple low-level enemies, my suggestion is to add a mode where you fight easily beatable enemies that progressively get harder the more you play. again, it's just a suggestion if you feel it would not fit well into the game, then you don't have to make it.

love to see this game getting new updates!


how does the damage system work?  my friends say that its based on how damaged the torso is but I think its how many blocks are broken on the robot

cant wait to see!

ok now that you say they seem pretty simular 

suggestion on the zero gravity space level add some blocks as mirrors that can reflect the laser to the enemy

just wondering are the different robots purely cosmetics? i feel like I play better when I am a certain character compared to another but idk :/

vrery rued

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what is this hot rubish i expected a triple a game and you give me this if you deleate thsi cmoment you cant take crkitisits


gta 6 has nothing on this game

i do believe that i always return

(2 edits)

easy the best game on this platformer could never ever be beaten in lengths of creativity and performance.

easy would recommend to all game players from low-skill to high

"2023 game winner award" 

truly beautiful graphics which is not only an amazing tribute to Breaking Bad and its associates but also to Five Nights at Freddy'

I believe this triple-A game should not be free but have a starting price of 19.87 

"truly remarkable" IGN.