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A member registered Jun 05, 2020

Recent community posts

Have you tried going to a gauntlet then refusing to participate? This leads to one of the quests that need to be completed to advance the quest.

Orveia community · Posted in Steel

First, befriend outlaws a bit. After that explore the forest until you encounter an unreliable outlaw that talks about raiding a trading cart in the fields. Do what he says, then share the profit with him and he'll tell you that you can mine it in the caves near the meadow. After you try mining some, talk to Rohan and he'll tell you how to make some steel.

Quite possible it's just repeatable. pretty easy way to get some money.

Orveia community · Replied to Ryu in pitch

Keep exploring the forest. They're very common there.

How do I make the imp a full-fledged demon? Do i have to increase his corruption? I've already passed 4800-essence milestone and he's still an imp named Imp

(1 edit)

I can't encounter werewolf alpha at wolf's den for some reason, no matter how hard I try. Are there any special conditions for meeting him?