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A member registered Sep 29, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thanks for taking the time to play and especially to write out such an extensive account of your experiences and thoughts!

A lot of your criticism is super valid. You're totally right that the game is janky, poorly optimised, and visually discordant, among other things.

For some perspective on how we made the game and what resources were available to us, this was my first video game I made out of school. We had a very tight time constraint of two months (the album was already scheduled to be released and Jade Statues insisted that the game launch with the album) At the time I hadn't yet wrangled the ins and outs of Unity's rendering, animation,
and lighting systems. Some of the jank I decided to lean hard into, such as the collage like visual inconsistency of freely accessible 3D models found online, and deliberately turning down or off the LOD quality tools to make the trees and water look "good" at a distance. In the end I think we curated a kind of "vibe" that fits the aesthetic of the broader Vaporwave scene and aesthetics (which this game and especially this album was a part of at the time of release, releasing on Dream Catalogue, at the time a pretty critical locum of the scene)

The text boxes are a bit busted for sure. they SHOULD display all the text at the very least but I did my best in the time we had available to us to make sure they functioned. The priority was of course the music, however, and matching the scenes to the music as pers Jade Statues' vision for the spaces. The game was sort of planned out by JS and the other collaborators at the time, and I came in enthusiastic about doing my best while knowing full well I had loads of knowledge gaps.

Anyways, since EXECTUVIE TOWERS I've had a LOT more experience honing my skills and attuning my vision for projects I wished to follow through on. My other game VIRTUA BLINDS served as a sort of follow up, also embedded in vaporwave aesthetics and music, while serving as an excuse to learn the skills I hadnt gotten the chance to learn yet at the time. There are other projects on my page as you can see, some of which are more protypical than they are what i'd consider "complete" but you may find them interesting in any case.

As for sending lucy's regards, thanks for that! You can run FASTer by pressing all the letters in the word "FAST" on your keyboard at once. There's also a code for JUMPing higher, by pressing all the letters to the word JUMP at once. There is also LEAP and RUN which offer different heights and speeds. Theres a handful of other cheats too, most of which do silly useless stuff like play a sound effect or change the material of what you're looking at. If you want more of them let me know lol

In terms of my more recent work, I strongly recommend checking out STREET UNI X, I spent 6 years working on it and it's a MUCH MUCH more polished experience and what I would consider a "complete game". It is like a Tony Hawks Pro Skater type game on unicycles (a sport that I am very much interested in and take part in myself). If you don't have the means to purchase a copy you can email me and I'll send you a code for a copy here on itch if you like.

Anyway thanks a lot for your care and attention! I really appreciate when stories like this come up for something I made nearly ten years ago now. It's cool that even this janky and rushed project is still resonating with folks at all.

Also since the project is so old, I've basically given up on updating it, so while I appreciate the feedback in terms of like, things that could be fixed or updated, it's not possible for me to make changes, as much as I'd like to!

<3 daffodil

The sale date form when clicking on the "set up your sale" link formats the dates in a format the form can't read, so the sale cannot be submitted unless you change the date to a different day and then back again

It throws the following error:


  • sale: start_date: expected timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
  • sale: end_date: expected timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) 

I'm excited to see what goodies are avaialble for a good price this week!

about time, huh?

I'm not sure I am understanding you correctly but:

If you pre-purchased the game here on itch during the early access dev builds phases, you should have been given an option to redeem the game on Steam. That option should still be available to all early access buyers. New purchases will not receive Steam keys

And in case you mean the other way around, if you purchased the game on Steam you do not automatically get access to the DRM free version here. You will have to purchase the game again here in order to access the DRM free itch builds. The game isn't any different here or there though, so if you already have access to the game on Steam you are not missing out on any features present in this version.

Does that answer your question?

there's an issue with the version of unity I was developing the game in and newer Mac PC's not running it correctly. I technically have the Mac version configured on Steam to download even though it's not officially supported, and some folks have reported that it actually works fine (there is no Mac version of the demo currently though)

I will be doing an engine version upgrade on the path to console releases, which is a priority of mine now, and on that path there should be up to date official Mac support as well. it make take a while to do the port as last time I tried the game wasnt working exactly correctly, but I'll be sure to post about it when the Mac version is ready.

I'm also intending a DRM free itch version ASAP, but it requires pulling out some of the stuff that made steamworks and achievements etc work in order for it to run correctly, so it may also take a bit before that's prepared

stay tuned though, thanks for asking. your question fuels my fire towards a proper Mac release again and you're not the only one to have asked!

Should be sorted now, i believe you can find your key from the purchase page!

Hey sweetjeeb! working on this today, sorry for leaving you hanging and thanks for being such an early supporter!

Heyy yes here's an updated invite link to the discord! I don't post in there that much though tbh but I will usually answer questions that are asked or engage with folks who post in there!

what a privilege to receive such a response of something i was inspired to build

thanks, this was an attempt at doing a  kind of "cover" of an iconic old animated short called Le Ravissement De Frank N. Stein

I'm grateful to have shared in your experiences in such a beautiful and honest way. I have experiences not unlike yours shared this game and it's comforting to know I'm not alone in my struggles and my trauma.

You're not alone, you can and will be loved, and I hope and trust that you will come to let yourself be loved.

I look forward to more of your stories and more of your games

<3 <3 <3


i feel affinity playing this

Keep your eye out next dev build, buddy

im sorry im not sure why this would be happening, i have similar specs and the current build works on my computer

Did you extract the zip file before launching the game?
Try running in administrator mode?
Try launching from the Itch App?

im grasping at straws here, let me know if any of this works

i love the way this looks
i got my striped purple sausage open face sandwich stuck atop the fridge

im sorry, what are your specs? what operating system?

NEW Floex in this release?? :O I'm excited to play and hear!

This is incredibly nice to hear, thank you so much for sharing <3

hey thanks so much for the kind words! really wonderful and motivating hearing about you enjoying the game and  that it really clicked for you.

i also feel the walltap goal is too hard and lacks flow in the current builds as well. i plan to take another pass on that section of the level, so look forward to that, and lots of tuning here and there all over whats already there ,  and more new stuff  thats not

yeah I figure if yall are here for early access, that's the stuff that's cool to see! unfinished levels, different layouts, prototyped mechanics

Heyy, yeah there's a discord here:

and i *usually* post on the street uni x twitter when new dev builds drop:

Thanks for your interest!! I appreciate you <3

Hey Jay_227
I'm really sorry that you were hoping to see onions in the game but couldn't find any onions.
I promise I will make this right. Look forward to an update that will include one onion some time in the future,  just for you

blessed to have taken part in this ritual

seems like it makes it harder / take longer for everyone else afterwards to hack into the info to either save or get info

What a treat!
A brain bubbling delight!
Like opening a bottle of sparkling water on a humid summer day!

Everything about this is immaculate

Eyy everyone's here!!

Striking workers deserve our support

Recently in BC the transit workers union striked and ended up getting proper break times and a fair pay raise out of it after months of back and forth while the transit company paid for misinformation campaigns trying to shine a negative light on the bus drivers and other transit workers.

France strikes often, as we all should when we are faced with injustice (in my opinion)

i love the hard lean into pixel filtering

(1 edit)

An actual PS1 release is basically not possible.

Brian Provinciano basically started writing RCR as an NES port of GTA3, so from the beginning he had portability and old hardware in mind.

I am using the unity engine, which is portable for modern consoles, and I do plan eventually to release on consoles, but is not straightforward to port to older hardware. My sort of ultimate goal here is a modern console release (Switch, PS4/5, Xbox One/Series Whatever), but that is contingent on budget, on time, and some other factors. I'll try my hardest to make that happen though.

The only thing  I can really promise at this point is that I will continue working on the PC / Mac / Linux versions, with eventual console releases as the target.

I have never released a game on consoles before and there's a whole lot of paperwork and beaurocracy I have to deal with to get there, which I plan to do.

Gotta finish the game first though!

Thanks for your support and engaging with the game!! Let me know if you have any questions or anything like that, and please let me know what you think when you get a chance to play!!

<3 Daff

You should release it on itch too, why not!

Someone replied to another comment i made on here so I found myself looking at the other comments. call it "necro posting" but people continue to post about steam on itch like this, and Noita is releasing proper real soon, so theres a lot of people looking at these comments now comparatively. Less than a year is a very short time in the grand scheme of htings.

Bottom line is, people should stop expecting that games you purchase on itch come with steam keys. This is a different store. Just like it would be ridiculous to comment on a PS4 release and say "just so you know, it doesn't come with a copy of the xbox version. If you want the xbox version go to the xbox store  here: [link to game on xbox store]" It doesn't make sense to expect this. It is also not even close to universally true that multiplayer games on steam don't share servers with DRM free releases etc.

Why are you so desperate for a steam key? Buying the game here gives you the ability to play it just as well and keep it up to date etc?

Well yeah, itch isn't steam, the game's page said nothing about giving you a steam key. This is a different store. In any other storefront it would be considered strange to comment on something to tell people to buy it somewhere else. How come this is deemed reasonable by players on itch?

This is a different store. If it doesn't say you get a copy on steam then there's no reason to believe you should get a copy on steam via an itch purchase. Itch is better than steam anyways. You get it DRM free, (which means you can launch it in steam if you really want) you can keep it up to date via the itch app, and you get to more directly support the developers. What more do you want? What does steam have that you can't already do with this version of the game?

COVID and some other stuff going on in my life have slowed down development compared to the pace I was working at before
It's still happening, one way or another. No idea when it will be 'finished. Currently  I don't plan to release it on steam. I dream of releasing it on consoles, Switch is possible and would be really cool but I've never released a console game before and solving those challenges is a project of it's own

Thanks for asking and caring, it is motivating to know people are still looking forward to this as much as I am.

really really love this game

impeccable experience and I can tell I've only just scratched the surface

are you aware that extra mouse buttons aren't bindable in the controls options? (in my case the thumb buttons on the side) would be cool if this was possible, i would love to kick with mouse 4