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Daisu Games

A member registered Jan 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Soon enough! We don't have a release date yet, we're polishing it and adding new features before submitting to Steam. But it's awesome that you are looking for it! 

Thanks a lot my friend! We'll keep you guys updated =)


We have just updated the game. If you can and wish, please test it again, the health issue should be fixed by now, as well as some other adjustments. You can see the corrections on the devlog. If you don't see the update yet, try restarting your itch client.

Thank you!

Hey Zaxtor! 

Thanks again so much on the feedack. I apologize because we actually haven't uploaded it yet as we were fixing some other bugs. We have fixed the health issue and will upload it today. If you haven't already, get the itch app because from there the game will always be up-to-date without you having to re-download =) 

The challenge is coming! More enemies, better progression, we're working on it all =)

Thanks for the feeback!

Nice! Thanks a lot kaiz0, your feedback was very important! Some issues we are aware of, like the FPS drop, but some were also key and we will promptly resolve them. 

We are very very glad you enjoyed the game! Being still in beta, lots will change until final version on Steam and itch (keep in mind that you and everyone who bought the beta are already guaranteed to the final release =D )

The next few days we should have all or most of these issues resolved. We'll post a devlog for clarification. 

Thank you so much! o/

(1 edit)

Hey Zaxtor! 

Thanks a lot for reporting these things! This Health bug were reported more than once but oddly enough it didn't appear in our testings. We  will fix this no longer than tomorrow! Thanks again. Please report if you find more bugs like that, those will be fixed in no-time =). 

Did the health bug appear every match or just some of them?

Regarding content, yeah, will have a bunch of things planned, some are already implemented but not very balanced, so we are adding them over time. Did you download through the itch windows client? That way the game will automatically update, which is very handy, we'll be updating probably on a daily basis. 

Thanks a lot! Feel free to report or ask us anything at all.