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dan qui dam

A member registered Mar 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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amazing! thanks for sharing this art pack!

Merci de libérer toutes ces illustrations et croquis. Le Landscape XII est particulièrement beau ♥

Assurément, si je maquette un jeu qui correspond à tes ambiances, j'en placerai quelques-unes ! (et je reviendrai te le dire ici) Merci beaucoup.

Perfect. We must all play this

cute little sad watcher, we need.. to stay awake.. to care of the lighthouse.. for them

can I take a cookie please? (😉♥)

hurray for snakes! ♥

if you love people you need nothing more to be a 'good' person. thanks for sharing your thoughts by doing this cute little zine ♥

'mental minimalist', finaly a name for me, thanks you! i relate too much with this zine. except i remember feelings, but not affiliated memories

thanks for sharing your memories thoughts with us!

thanks for sharing your story. safeplaces can be hard to find, but it can rescue ourself one we find it. it's also hearthwarming to know we were not alone as child to feel this 'unfitting in the world', even if we learn that years and years later

thanks for this truly complete and honest testimony ♥ bravo for all this long way you traveled

Thanks for telling me! 2 recent games added thanks to you!

Btw I'm fond of your squid baby art 💜

Pretty cool cheatsheet! Thanks and well done!

That would be perfect! 👍

Hi, I'm talking about the links you added as titles, before each paragraph, it could be handier if there were atvthe end or if you recommand to people to add links at the end of paragraphs so people using voice readers can more easily say to their computer/phone to click on them After having listening for your text

Great! Most important basis are there! Nice done. 

Also great recommandations on your 'Further reading' page! I recommand you to add links at the end of paragraphs, it will be easier for some people using voice readers :)

Thanks! Waiting for a 'zine version' I'll take inspiration from your list pages :)

hi, thanks! Great idea. Making a ‘better’ version of it was planned if people wanted it: I didn’t receive a lot of messages about this tutorial but as there are already a lot of views, I guess it’s useful and shared therefore I’ll make a more readable and ‘visual’ version of it as a zine (on a itchio project page) 🙂

Merci, pour ce compliment et pour la jam inspirante ! C'est parfois bon de prendre de la hauteur 🚀 pour voir les choses sous de nouvelles perspectives ✨

Merci pour les encouragements et ce joli commentaire ! 💖🌸👁️


Tu peux trouver le Kraken, te lier d'amitié et lui demander un peu d'aide !

Ou attendre que des branchies poussent pour enlever le lourd scaphandre… et partir vivre parmi les Profonds 🪸

(Pour des raisons techniques, ces options ne sont pas incluses dans ce flatgame ahah. Et merci pour le précédent commentaire ♥)

That's great, each roll is perfect! 💯

this real-world-only game-crossing concept is awesome ♥

Currently looking for zines, art, theory, personal stories/testimonies. 

Also some potential collab?


Most of your thoughts in this zine: I totaly understand and feel the same. Thanks for sharing this. Gender is both real and a myth. Gender roles must be abolished anyway. 

& Thanks for the book recommandation

Merci ! 🪸🐠 

Colles-tu des poissons sur tes proches/enfants? :)

These stars are too cute!!! 🌟💛

Merci pour ce super outil qui rend bien plus accessible la création de flatgames ✨

They are!! 😄🐙

(Thanks! If, some day, you need this kind of illustrations just tell me and I’ll be sure to send you a free download key as a way to thank you for your great pixel art I used)

Merci ♥ elles sont réelles, l'humanité découvrira très bientôt leur beauté, je le jure 😃

Merci !! ♥ j'adore ton outil ! tellement cool, simple et pratique, je l'utiliserai de nouveau pour m'améliorer en flatgames :)

Merci ♥ Je ne savais pas que tu parlais français !

Merci !! celles-ci sont toutes amicales ♥

Très mignon, le petit message comme le petit pigeon ! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

(1 edit)

Hi, I used some of your pixel fishes as basis and inspiration for my own art! (devlog/703112/art-pack-n3) which I used in my game jam submission 'Dave Dive' 🐟

Thus, I guess we can tell some of your fishes just traveled to another dimension?! They're swimming into a hand-drawn universe!

This is awesome! Truly a great way to use black-light-out poetry! 👽 Thanks for sharing tour tips with us, 


Your fellow alien stuck in another system 

The idea to get bundles gathering "itch exclusives" games is great!

Also, I think it would be awesome to have Bundles gathering projects by genre rather thanks type (authorizing bundles mixing video games, physical games, assets, etc, but gathered thanks to some common points)

Bonjour bonsoir ! J'ai beau parcourir le site, je ne trouve pas le lien vers le Discord du PPClub (je navigue sur téléphone)

Est-ce possible de l'avoir ici svp? (En durée limitée si le but est d'éviter les bots?)

Merci 🔥🤘🚀

and mary shelley for sure loves you

Hi, your game sounds pretty cool! Someone shared it with KS+itchio links on my Mastodon feed. But I can't access the Content Warnings link. Could you add this list somewhere else please? (devlogs, hidden paragraph, comment..?)