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A member registered Apr 27, 2022

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(2 edits)

So I recently updated to the recent Android version and am working through Spencer's story and when they went to go change for the wedding the background went black with a message "Image 'Chapleroom' not found" in the top left.  I'll try installing the APK again, but I don't see why that would fix it if it didn't work initially.

Edit: I think it's the locker room photo that's messed up.

Edit 2: Apparently I actually didn't have the new version installed... After getting it installed and getting my saves transferred (Easier said than done... Seriously xD) it loads the locker room fine, but now when I look at the text history and scroll back too much I get a renpy error that if I ignore it causes it to go back to just displaying the current text. Not sure what's going on.

I made a mistake and already admitted to it when another person called me out on it months ago... There's no reason for you to be calling me out in the ridiculing tone that you did. I have nothing else to say to you 

Ah I see... I really hope they can get back to Khemia soon. I thought it was very interesting creating a new main character from Adastra and having the underlying social commentary on psychoactive substances playing into what was going on.

Ah yeah that actually sounds right... It does seem they also have some writers block though for Interea as they used to say they would upload monthly on the page and now they don't even bother to try to keep up that appearance anymore. 

I know someone mentioned a while back that they're having writers block... It really stinks as it's as great story and deserves to be continued, but at the same time progress can't be forced no matter how much anyone desires that possibility. Just need to patiently wait as best we can. 

Oh? I guess I forgot about that. I'll take your word for it then since you clearly have a better grasp of the story than I do

I'm assuming they don't do it because then people will be more likely to upload it... I'd recommend taking screenshots of it or something. I've never seen it myself so I'm not sure what format it is.

Pretty sure Khemia is before Intera since the human MC is still on Earth negotiating communication and peace arrangements between Earth and Adastra while Intera is clearly after the human MC gets back from his return mission to Earth

Finally finished Harold's route, but I can't help being a bit disappointed about where it left off... It's a great amazing story that was extremely well written evoking many intense emotions along with the amazingly well written sonnet, but it just leaves so much unanswered. Do the main character move in with Harold? Do they get married in the end? Do they end up happily ever after? I get that it would be super boring having a story continue for a few months of them constantly longing for one another as they finished the semester until they could finally be together, but it would be nice if the story did something like skipping ahead to the end of the semester with them discussing how difficult it's been and all the things they're looking forward to, maybe having Harold ask the main charecter to move in, or even with Harold proposing as the main charecter says yes if not skipping straight to the wedding and ending the story right after they say "I Do" as they give their final kiss. It would just be so much more satisfying to have closure along with the artwork that could be made for either a wedding or a proposal (imagine the proposal happening on the romantic overlook with the city in the background). I would draw it myself if I had the artistic talent, but Harold probably draws better then I do ::/

Even without the closure though I think it was an excellent story and I look forward to finishing the other routes. Great job with everything that is there though! 

I figured out how to do it... There is a little scroll looking button on the top right all the way on the right and it brings up a window with all the previous text

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I'm still on version 1.13.2 (I think... Or maybe 1.13.0) on Android and there's an issue with the Spencer storyline where after finishing the second day of work at the Cafe the rain noise continues even in the dance studio. 

Besides that I'm loving every part of these stories; and especially liked the scene on stage with officer Charlie 🔥. I just wish I could've gotten a Coach Harold plush, but only found out about the novel because I learned of the plush after it had sold out while looking at the page of another stories plush. 

Edit: More and more I wish that it was possible to get into a 3-way with some of the characters (Like Harold and Spencer or Harold and Richard) if not a giant orgy between the whole team+Richard; although technically it's not an orgy as it is 1 person short, but that's w/e... Maybe the bartender from the geyser or the librarian could join the fun ;). Part of it is because it would be super hot, but the other part is that I kind of hate how when I go down the various paths I am left wondering what happens to the other end of the relationship that character would've been in and if they end up finding someone else.

Ps. Whoever did the artwork on Harolds psycho ex did a really great job... Especially showing just how deranged she looked during the break in. She gave off total Karren vibes with how she was drawn. In general they did a great job with all the artwork and all the various characters making them look super hot, but literally as soon as I saw her I even shuddered with fear even though I wasn't actually in danger like the main character. Seriously great job in showing her as the deranged psychopath she is

I'm reading via android

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I am really liking the novel so far even though I'm only in the very beginning, but I kind of wish there was a button to go backwards as sometimes I accidently hit the touchscreen too early as I get random spasms sometimes that cause me to unintentionally touch the screen. Just a suggestion for later updates. Keep up the good work!

Edit: I just noticed the little book option in the top right corner that shows all of the dialog that the story has progressed through up until that point... Boy do I feel foolish! 

Edit 2: If there was a button to hide the dialog screen to be able to admire the art that would be good too... Like the discreet picture of Richard in the garden while weeding :D