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A member registered Feb 18, 2019

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Can you make an Android version too?

Is there any H content with Nathan on 0.49?

Thanks for everything, always loved ur game

throwing the error that executable is missing, already run an integrity check
This article might be useful

I haven't reached to the point where u can take kids on dates, do they also ask for sex if they're happy enough? If that happens can there be a toggle to turn that off?
I know we can just say no, but even asking is a bit weird..

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I think this is meant to be the loyalty perk for interbreeding, not entirely sure.

"41) For one slave I get a message she will certainly get pregnant from the action as she is a "Breed Sow". However, there is no such class nor is she a taurus (she is a demon). Not sure if this pops up with a certain combo of classes, but in that case I would love to see why."

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I didn't scroll..... so embarrassing...
But the other issue is still a mystery, the combat group issue

I got the marriage ending, She announced to get married then went into a room for s**. After that she never showed up, after some days the next act starts about collecting the artifacts, am I missing some context here or is this a bug..? Wasn't sure where to even put this discussion.

Also, when we had to get the traitor (I think frank) from the bandits If I decide to fight and select combatants no one shows up, when I try to add combatants the list is empty, they have combat unlocked and are in the city. not even the mc shows up. so had to pay them, later i loaded the save to select the greg option to avoid paying, but the fight was impossible...any explanations..?

Also how to get cheer-leading preference?

Are you stuck if you trash both study books first?
I've accumulated alot of curse points now and am not able to spend them on anything
I'm holding off on going to commander because I wanna clear all sorrounding areas of the forest before i do so
cus usually in rpgs any area related to a story once the story progresses is either unaccessable or changed, so i'm clearing all bandits, ogres, and treants. Is this approach wrong? will more options unlock by progressing in the fantasy world?

This is still an issue in 0.14.3

still an issue in 1.14.3

Does fighting and winning war give you control of conquered land as of right now?
Cus if it does i might conquer drogania, else leave be for now

1 The bathhouse is the wooden building north east in aldyn right?
I've built it and even visited once before, but i can't visit now, it's just closed...
Glitch or some quest does this?

2. I'm at the point to decide whether to betray flaire or gain more trust, as of current update is there a way to unlock good, non-betrayal scene wit her or make her an ally?

Just wanna log them so you can correct them whenever

Remainds instead of remains in ghost in distress quest

Waster instead of water in loot at academy

thnx alot

Any difference in outcomes?
Cus i want to help kill the undead and organically reduce the need for the church but Drogania's borders are still shut, n i have no idea how long it'll take. If there's no difference in the outcomes might take Military corruption..

also wanted to know if i missed any cg's during this time then....
Only noticed that it reverted after playing a bit.
Mainly did 3 things:
1. Interrogated Lind and made her general
2. Thanksgiving
3. met Queen gave her cure and talked again once

Did i miss any CG here?
I'll go back n replay if i did

I buy adult games with an alt account and family share to my own account to avoid the adult games being shared to rest of my family.
when i click to download the adult patch it launches the game n does nothing, so i switched accounts, it launched the game again but also started the download, after installation was complete i switched back to my main account to play but it uninstalled the adult patch dlc, and repeated the same behavior when i tried to download it again.

dlc download doesn't seem to work right with family shared library, this is probably a steam issue but other games don't usually uninstall dlcs when i switch account, is there anything you can fix from your end?

you can level up till 7 atleast at the academy

Thnx alot

Love the game btw

I'm sorry if this is stupid but I can't find the prison in aldyn for clemency.

Is it the prison in the castle?

Cus it seems empty

Do we miss content if we ask Yasuka not to work?

Did you find out? I can't work out anymore, nothing progressing, str 4 stam 6

Problem solved, I wasn't importing save after modding, just loading

I modded orc race weight to 500

Problem solved, I wasn't importing save after modding, just loading
I modded orc race weight to 500

the basic bandit den? I've got dryads, elves n humans, no orc..bad rng
Also I wanted a female, will maybe try to get kid from unique npc

Creating a mod, adding Orc, 200 to races in plains doesn't work either

recently I've seen that drow, Darl elf and tribal elf all exist in the update?

I don't want to start a new file...I want an orc on my main file

I've spam reloaded upgraded exotic merchant atleast 30 times

I've tried to edit race rarity in .sav file, but it doesn't seem to work

I went to the last mention of races in the file after global something, it seemed to be the global setting since it was outside most brackets and was not within quest settings that I could make out, added orc, 200 but nothing happened after refreshing slave market

There wasn't any Aliron tuple in the sav file so I assume it's following global settings

I don't want to start a new file...I want an orc on my main file

I've spam reloaded upgraded exotic merchant atleast 30 times

I've tried to edit race rarity in .sav file, but it doesn't seem to work

I went to the last mention of races in the file after global something, it seemed to be the global setting since it was outside most brackets and was not within quest settings that I could make out, added orc, 200 but nothing happened after refreshing slave market

There wasn't any Aliron tuple in the sav file so I assume it's following global settings

When You get the quest from Myr to go look for the traitor if you talk to her again the same dialogues will loop and you can select different options, it will even show giving you the quest again

lol, I already built a new character n got ahead of that save

o, my bad

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I'm stuck in the haven part, the security guard told me that Al white is close to the doctor but can't find al white

So happy about this being on steam.
Been playing this for over an year, glad it's doing well, now that it's on steam can get auto updates
Just wanted to know if you prefer to buy from steam for publicity or patreon directly?

figured it out

they were in prison but contraceptives were enabled while they were outside and stayed active even though not visible in jail

Tried the below configurations, no pregnancies:

1. player daughter futa halfkin  cat with futa goblin

2. player son beastkin wolf with futa goblin

3. player son beastkin wolf with dark elf

4. player daughter futa halfkin cat with player son beastkin wolf