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Dan John Crowler

A member registered Jan 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi Omnebulen,

Happy to hear from you and glad you found CoS interesting.
Do let me know if you play it!


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Neat little game. A bit confusing if you are not accustom to solo games, but drives story forward smoothly. Highly recommended for an hour or two of joyful fun.

Version 2.0 is up! Now using Usage Die for tracking torches!

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Did the updated version happen?

Rules question:
When you Evolve, do you heal your harm? Are there any rules for healing?

Enjoyed the game quite a lot. Mighty fine job!

This is a gem of story driven game design. Excellent playbooks, top framing of setting elements, all interwoven together. The game just plays itself, all you have to do is hop in for a magical ride.

Mighty fine job!

Świetny jam, ciekawe pomysły - polecam uwadze szanownych państwa!

Fixed PL version uploaded!

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Polish translation is now available as Dzieci Saturna!

edit: put on hold due to errors. Corrected file will follow.

Enjoy vampire hunt RPG full of mystery and superstition! Involve players in the story creation using special rules assigned to their roles in the hunting party. Play to find out if you manage to catch the vampire, or even if there is one at all!
The Children of Saturn by Dan John Crawler
Made for One Page RPG Jam 2023

Hot damn that was a really good game. We build up the world with a lot of questions first, but managed to play quite a solid session in 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Highly recommended. Hidden gem!

Polish translation is now available as Czas Wilkołaków!
Version 1.1 has only updated special thanks section to credit my proofreader. Thank you, gfizdek!

Yet another hack for this gem of a game! This time with werewolves, inspired by a Werewolves song by King Dude. Enjoy When the Werewolves Have Their Way:
Cheers from Poland John!