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Was something suppossed to happen after you get all 6 and talk to them? He hit a button then I was just wandering

Was something suppossed to happen after you get all 6 and talk to them? He hit a button then I was just wandering

I think I downloaded the wrong one, all I was met with was fire

I kept getting shoved into the corner by the burley man

I was gonna make the same joke

I just loved the difference from the boss music to the end scene. Game reminded me of a solo fire boy and water girl which made it kinda nostaglic and more fun, I enjoyed it

I just loved the difference from the boss music to the end scene. Game reminded me of a solo fire boy and water girl which made it kinda nostaglic and more fun, I enjoyed it

Rng and panic took over, only got 5, Loved the atmosphere and gamplay though

Very good looking and fun game, should see if you could add time options for quicker gameplay

Fun game but cant lie I struggled with the platforming for a fair bit, but thats what makes it challenging

Fun game, Cant lie struggled with platforming a fair bit but it is what makes it difficult

Hah tyeah I realised after I submitted that I didnt include the text to tell abt the restart button, thats on me