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A member registered Dec 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks :)

Really creative game, I specially liked the sound effects

>  judge the distance of one star to another in relation to the picture

Yes, that's a bit expected.

> reward to connecting stars, like a slight speed boost

That's a great idea actually!

> I got the hang of it completing  the constellation was really satisfying!

Glad you enjoyed it :D

interesting point about the score. I wanted closure to the game so that’s what it occurred to me.

I wanted to add music but the deadline beat me. Next update!

Also BTW, to look at the game scores, you must finish 3 constellations (i.e. there are 3 stages)

Just as a BTW, the latest version of this game is live in

Whoops! That's a good point... It boosted you out of the game hehe

Thanks for pointing it out

(2 edits)

Help a frog connect the stars to create marvelous constellations!


  • Arrow keys for movement
  • Space bar for grabbing/releasing stars
  • Alt/Option key for movement boost

I suggest entering Full Screen mode and pressing 2 to scale the screen 2x.