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Daniel Garcia Raso

A member registered Nov 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! And forgive me cuz I thought I answered you and realize today that I wasn't. :(

Damn! I'm soso rry I thougt I replied your message! Thanks a lot, your kind words are very important to me. :)

Please, I want a whole game of this!

I'll keep an eye on it! :)

Oh, Thanks a lot! I go to watch the video immediately. :)

So many thanks!!!! Try Manual Samuel  for fumblecore!

Hahahaha, I see you have the same problems with driving games that I have with stratagey!!

Thank you so much! As a fumblecore it had to be FUN!!! xXxX

Thanks a lot, cuz it was the intention. :)

Reach 6 level max I think!

What a fabntastic game! For here and now, I'll play at least 2 bouts per day. :) Congrats!

Use this asset in my new game. A million of thanks.

Use this asset in my new game. Thank you very much.

Use this asset in my new game. Thank you very much.

Use this asset in my new game. A lot of thanks.

Use this asset in my new game. A million of thanks.

Craving is a game poem on drug addiction, depression an anxiety. Is a micro game with a simple core mechanic to experiment with the ludical representation of that suffering.

Superb! Amazing artwork in all senses. It's as dark as beautiful experience. Want more!

Thanks for playing! And thanks for the bug I didn't busted it! XxX

Our new game, Darker Darker Darker is now available in our page (

Basically is an abstract and horror maze game, with a rich story and Magnavox Odyssey aesthetics.

You can try a speedrun if you want!
(But we are afraid you don't get success).

Oh, thank you so much.  It's going to be a year without Lasca. A very tough year. :( But I would like to tell her story for all the sweet moments she gave me.

Love. This is the game that I (don't) need to play today. But it has made the moment an unforgettable one. 

Thanks for doing this.

Best regards,

Love! I lost my girl dog almost a year ago and was so painful. I made her a homage, but too much less interactuve:

A ton of thanks!!!!

Joer, muchas gracias. Qué alegría que te haya gustado y que hayas visto esas influencias. ¡Alegría de martes con este comentario! :)

Oh thanks! I would liked if you read the texts! :)

We have recently upload our new game, The Incredible Case of the Empty Office in the Middle of the Ocean, to our page.

It's a game developed to the first edition of Fuck Capitalism Jam 2023.

A mistery labour walking simulator, you take control of the maintenance man of an office that has realized that the building is in the middle of the ocean and that he barely remembers something about how this situacion has ocurred and how he has ended there.

But he's not alone, the memories of some of the workers of the office are already there.

You have to find them to progress while resolving little puzzles!

Hope you enjoy it!

(1 edit)

Brave New Word is a Jump 'n Words game, which means it's a platformer where you have to defeat the final word bosses while playing with  signifierssignifieds and referents.

Accompany Moti, a dust speck, in a distant future where dust specks are the dominant species in the Earth. And help him to complete his lexical training.

Have had the same problem.

El viernes tuve que tomar la decisión de eutanasiar a Lasca, la perra que me ha estado acompañando estos últimos quince años. Desde el sábado hasta hoy he estado haciendo este álbum audiovisual en Unity para rendirle homenaje y que quede su recuerdo para siempre en el universo digital.
No quería hacer un juego en sí, solo rendirle el homenaje que se merece. Y claro, podía haber pulido muchas cosas de la UI, por decirlo de alguna manera, pero fue más un ímpetu emocional que profesional.
Espero que podáis conectar con la belleza integral que ella irradiaba y contagiaba a toda persona que se acercaba a ella.

Se puede «jugar» el álbum aquí en español e inglés:


On Friday I had to take the decision to euthanize Lasca, the girl dog that has been with me for the last fifteen years. From Saturday until today I have been making this audiovisual album in Unity to pay tribute to her and to keep his memory forever in the digital universe.

I didn't want to make a game itself, just pay it the homage she deserves. And sure, it could have polished a lot of things in the UI, so to speak, but it has more to be with emotions tan with professionalism.

I hope you can connect with the integral beauty that she radiated and spread to everyone who came close to her.

You can "play" the album here both in spanish and english:

Love it! Makes me cry cuz makes me feel hopefull.

Me encantó la percepción que tuve al jugarlo del daño que se puede hacer sin querer o sin querer verlo cuando nos nubla cierta ilusión. Disfruté mucho por la isla y, para mi (dis)gusto contribuyendo al deterioro ambiental. ¡Enhorabuena!

(1 edit)

I've liked a lot. Brilliant environment design! Has been the best of this Saturday night! Some chicken skin at some moments! Only got two endings? How many are?

Today we release Never Say Goodbye, a game we have been working on along the last three months. Never Say Goodbye is a micro walking simulator in the sense that can completed up and down, with its two endings in 20 minutes or less. 

The gameplay of Never Say Goodbye rests in its minimun interaction and in the narrative design above all.

Never Say Goodbye tell a humanistic story from an apparently non-human perspective, which is the relation between history of things and the personal history of each one. In other words, the archaeology of the relations and moods that things may activate in humans.

An easy tower box game which I have made with Unity as an exercise. But I've taken the opportunity to free some of the procedural rhetoric ideas that inhabits hidden inside me. 

You can play with hate speech and maybe you will be able to make the world a better place.

Play it here!

Acabo de subir al perfil el que es el proyecto final del curso de introducción a Unity que acabo de terminar. Los assets no son míos y el código forma parte de lo aprendido en el curso, pero he podido alterar ciertas partes de la jugabilidad, añadir música propia e introducir un pequeño argumento. Se trata de un endless runner, ¡pero a ver si conseguís llegar a 100 m!

Un marrón es una microficción interactiva que adapta libremente el problema del dilema del prisionero de la teoría de juegos.

Puedes jugarlo aquí.

A Drag is narrative microfiction freely based on the Prisoner's Dilemma problem of the Game Theory.

You can play it here.

Ya no saldré nunca sin mis tarjetas en la cartera.