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A member registered May 29, 2022 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

Sad to see it end so soon, but man i lobed this story and game and everything about hope to see more from you, great work, thanks for this, GG

Why doesn't this have everything the game on scratch has, like why no save system? I see nothing and difference from the game in scratch could you please fix that, I'd appreciate it, I love this game, :3

(1 edit)

Yay im i found the the full game here, i love seing this still gett updates i played this in scratch ypu siad this was on its own site and ig thats here, hai, GG,       :3

I played both echo then echo route 65 now ima play this :3

Yay more of the echo story cuz i loved echo and echo route 65 thanks for this ima go download this

Even when the andriod ver was way out of dTe it still worked for me i enjoy this prequel

It was... something, enjoyable scary it was a horror btw, I got attached legit stayed up all night, a great read/play, I suggest it, Man.. I'm gonna be thinking and idk reflecting for a while... great story gonna play the like prequel one ig, Thanks

This is amazing

Oh okay

but i didnt spam?


oh okay, thanks for telling


please finish this

UwU, the demo is so amazing, also all your other games, they are so amazing i love them, I cant wait for this game, I support it all the way :)

(2 edits)

Oh hey is the game done? Also Combine both versions like why is it in two it confuses me please and thanks keep up the good work I enjoy this a lot :)

what happens if we were in day11 do we miss anything

Please Finish It Thanks :) GG

(1 edit)

Awesome cant wait for more :)

oh oof okay so it's not broke but other stuff is glitchy kinda I don't get items all the time also Blair says to give 30 ropes 30 wood when it's 20 - 20 okay bye thanks and good luck (GG)

i cant wait for more :)

i cant wait for more and for full thing but why 2024 so long oof :(

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its so good i just finished the game and I cant wait for more UwU

(1 edit)

its so good i just finished the game and I cant wait for more UwU

Okay so I have some bugs so when I try to get rope and wood it doesn't always give it to me it happens on a northern island sometimes on the south it happens everywhere the item gathering is kinda broke also on the second island part 2 of the game it doesn't autosave it hasn't fone it yet the game kinda broke buggy and glitchy I love the game please fix it and more like maybe also add a yiff tag in the thing it says furry porn and NSFW and more but it should also have yiff, okay please add and fix I love the game okay bye and thanks for everything okay good luck and goodbye :)

Okay so I have some bugs so when I try to get rope and wood it doesn't always give it to me it happens on a northern island sometimes on the south it happens everywhere the item gathering is kinda broke also on the second island part 2 of the game it doesn't autosave it hasn't fone it yet the game kinda broke buggy and glitchy I love the game please fix it and more like maybe also add a yiff tag in the thing it says furry porn and NSFW and more but it should also have yiff, okay please add and fix I love the game okay bye and thanks for everything okay good luck and goodbye :)

(1 edit)

Okay so I have some bugs so when I try to get rope and wood it doesn't always give it to me it happens on a northern island sometimes on the south it happens everywhere the item gathering is kinda broke also on the second island part 2 of the game it doesn't autosave it hasn't fone it yet the game kinda broke buggy and glitchy I love the game please fix it and more like maybe also add a yiff tag in the thing it says furry porn and NSFW and more but it should also have yiff, okay please add and fix I love the game okay bye and thanks for everything okay good luck and goodbye :)

the game awesome

Okay so I have some bugs so when I try to get rope and wood it doesn't always give it to me it happens on a northern island sometimes on the south it happens everywhere the item gathering is kinda broke also on the second island part 2 of the game it doesn't autosave it hasn't fone it yet the game kinda broke buggy and glitchy I love the game please fix it and more thanks okay good luck and goodbye :)

Thanks OwO :)

Okay good and goodluck (GG)

yeah sad :(

Great game I hope it gets better and keeps being amazing maybe it can be on mobile or something idk but I love the game and I  enjoyed it and stuff keep up the good work can't wait for more and thanks for making this and stuff UwU :)

I Would Rate More Than Five Stars If I Could Maybe Infinite Idk :)

yeah this game amazing i hope more is to come and stuff :)

yeah apk would be cool i hope so too :)


i hope so

sad apk would be cool

i hope there will apk would make us all happy

good and goodluck gg