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A member registered Mar 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! Ended up being right up against the budget and couldn't fit anything else in, but after a bit of a break, I'm hoping to fill out some of the corners.

(2 edits)

Mostly just posting here as an incentive to get through the mammoth workload that I've got this weekend if I'm going to finish this.

Ended up starting on Monday and decided to make an isometric game, which I've never done before. Also after having a ton of fun doing this year, I decided to build it for the browser, from scratch.

Day 1
Started out with a few tile types and spent a while getting the isometric projection handled, then initially had a lot of problems getting the tiles to line up perfectly. Spent a long time battling rendering artefacts due to a mix of mishandled camera translations and the fact that each tile is designed to overlap the adjacent ones by 1px. 

Day 2
Got the rendering issues sorted out and started putting together some primitive objects to use as building blocks for the rest of the objects in the world.

Day 3
Got the movement controls sorted and started building some template levels. Added some new props and some detail sprites for floor tiles. Decided that the concept of the game would be to make it up twenty floors of a tower.

Day 4
Got a very primitive form of combat working and started designing the first boss encounter. Also added an event triggering system so that walking onto the stairs can take you up a level. Added the ability to save and load the game.

Day 5
Spent today mostly working on the UI and building out the inventory and equipment systems. Nearly have looting figured out, just need to build the UI for it.

So for the weekend there's just the small task of:

  • Finishing the level generation
  • Balancing combat
  • Applying equipment bonuses
  • Implementing item dropping / using
  • Creating content
  • Coming up with a good story

Should be fun!