この画像からピクセルを削除するにはどうすればよいですか (ゲームオーバー)
How can I remove pixels from this image (game over)
I wont to help you i hive a good ideas
+for free
Lk a simple puzzl if you do it you will unlock a secret boss or monster
(=^.. ^)¬
The next update release in?
No i men wen new update release?
New update come?
Wen new update release??
Nv i wll buy it
Ok but in the demo there is a swamp and the giant Game Over?!
Ok but in the demo there is a swame and the giant Game Over?!
Ok but can you give me the new update at lest) :
Oh i forget my video get 13 k view 🙂
Hi im youtuber i do a youtube video so i wont to be the first one update for your new update so
I wont to get free access to uplode your new update(:
Answer me) :
3 hours ago
I wont to get free access to uplode it so that a video before your new update (: