Must need more S P E E D .
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New Time: 32.41739 | 0.11 seconds faster than my last best run. I just stopped after 10 complete runs (each run has around 20 resets before I get the desired pace). Genuinely good luck for anyone attempting to speedrun the game, I want to see if there is someone I can compete with (Xenon, seems pretty good). Tiny Tap - Press the "View Rest" for some feedback.Also, this is a note to Tiny Tap, when starting up the game, it states your high score and WR is 500 seconds, but after completing one run it resets to your current run score as your best time, then is reveals the WR of 33.3 (which I don't know who got this time as the best only time I saw that is under 34 seconds is mine, but it is 33.7 seconds). Additionally, every time you reset, either by reaching the end or resetting during a run. This causes the screen of your best time and WR to come up, leaving you to press "U" to open the bullet menu, thus overriding the time menu, then "U" again to exit the bullet menu to finally play.
Just to clarify, what do you mean "unit I figure out how". I'm just okay at video games (my friends are honestly better in aiming a little bit and strategically) and the route I took is pretty simply, I just hit the targets in different orders to better fit by shooting style. Though I do little things that decrease my time by a few seconds. I could probably send a drawing of a route from an up-down p.o.v. if your want.
Oh, just an idea , could you possibly make it so you can change the restart key or make it so you can change the key binds. Also I would like you to know every time you reset the level it also resets your in-game sensitivity setting. You can fix this on on your own time I'm just bringing little things to light that you may not know about. Also, really nice game you have here.
If you are talking about both of the tires at the end and beginning then, yes I did. Also did you know when you jump then sprint it makes you glide. Maintaining most of your height, while you very slowly descend. Also to jump the highest you need to stand still, so you can't jump when sprinting. Was that intentional?