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A member registered Mar 17, 2022

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If I buy the bundle will I get access to 0.6.4 or just 0.6.2?

Okay - hear me out: 

Rae - bunny

Naomi - octocpus or gorilla

Cait - fox*

Lyriel - cat*

Yona - bear

Blair - cow**

*: Though, now that I give it more thought I'd almost swap the two. I feel like Cait both in her timid personality and har name being (almost) cat gives me more cat vibes while Lyriel feels more "wild" and so the image of a fox seems very fitting. 

**: Yes it's the udders. Also ever since you used that promo image: Pierced nipples when? 

Cat girl Lyriel sounds nice... but I think Blair would make a great cow.

New update seems to have broken... something? Can't download it with the app anymore.

Who's the artist behind this?

NGL I hope we see more action with the friends of Lyriel, Cait and Naomi from their respective homeworlds.

I am not the biggest for of making Cel this ripped without also buffing her arms/thighs/booty - and maybe even her neck very slightly.

Now she has some borderline FBB stomach, which I love, but then her arms and legs are very slim and comparatively to her stomach they look like they have a  bit much bodyfat on them?* I don't think it fits together as well as the old version did.

*= Since someone is bound to misunderstand this - on purpose or due to lack of comprehension - and be offended on behalf of a fictional character and women everywhere: Let me reiterate that my point here isn't "fat arms", but "fat arms when put next to the very low body fat looking body".

I remember you saying you wanted to release Fresh Women S2 on, but nothing happened there.

So at this point I doubt there are any plans to move any future content past the first episode/chapter/whatever of any series and this account basically being just for advertisement of your own website, or do I misunderstand that?

tbh not a fan of including AI-gen, even if it is just voice and just "only in certain scenes".

They usually sound worse than having nothing at all and on top of that having AI-gen within creative works is really something I do not want to normalize on any level.

>it will be the last

Bro don't. If you need the time by all means take it. As much as I want more stuff - especially a Sayuri route - I don't want that over your health. So don't work yourself to the bone, please.

Keep at it, without disregarding yourself, please.

I mean I searched the page for "artist" and "illustra" (since just searching "art" was a bit too unspecific and gave too many results to effectively show something) and the first instance of artists being referenced was this chain of comments.

When I saw the artstyle I also had suspicions it might be AI generated; the fact that there is a credit section for voice work but no mention of an artist as far as I saw when skimming over it doesn't help that look.

Maybe just add credits for art and writing in addition to the voice work? That way people would know where to look.

Which version is the one sold as part of the "Top 5 Adult Games!" bundle? 

Any chance for a "buy once" option for continued early access?

That's... annoying. I already got one item in the bundle and another one I'm not big on, so whether it's worth for me is actually down to this.

Does the bundle include the standard or the deluxe version?

The most annoying thing as a fellow German about this is that the ball is basically 100% in Valve's court.

There is an option to verify age with the digital ID for years which to my knowledge would satisfy the laws that prevent Steam from selling porn games over here.

Any news on the early release stuff? Wouldn't mind parting with some cash.

When unhooking Cath's bra there is a line referring to the MC as "Max" instead of the chosen name.

Full sentence is "It's not difficult, Max."


Will purchases of Chapter 2 include future releases of that chapter?

Thanks for the quick answer.

When I first read this I thought "no need to be an ass about it", but considering I didn't mention that I read that post already and managed to skip over it because "oh yes, download page, ah okay" and stopped reading... fair enough and sorry for the inconvenience.

Bought the game ~1 yr ago, but when I click on my download link it just shows v0.1.7? Shouldn't I have access to newer versions?

Yes it was absolutely necessary to genetically modify all the babies.

Then you aren't in the 10$ buyer tier...

Did you buy it for 10$ on 50% discount maybe? Because I bought it for 5$ but at 50% off.

How long until .21 is availble to 10$ buyers?

how's v5 coming along?

Why is the Android version making america great again? ;P

Is this dead? If yes pretty sad considering it felt super promising

I feel like you should rename "Respect" into "Fear". Calling it "Respect" really gives the wrong impression of what it is supposed to be.

PC version seems to be missing from the google drive

If you have Bonnie cleaning your room it will always skip mornings, making you unable to ever get money from Melissa, so you never can buy the maid outfit to proceed Bonnie's story, softlocking you. Please fix that.

Playing in VN mode, how can I approach the faeries? Each time I do that I get that ice world flashback and there is no other information.

What if itch suddenly decides again to screw over NSFW creators in... "new and innovative ways", would we then get a key for steam? Or would it just be "bad luck"?

No, I manually downloaded it before from the website, but now downloaded it again via the itch-app, for automatic updating. In both cases the downloadable PC version.

The weird part is that nothing else (seemingly) got reset, just that one upgrade.

I recently switched from manual download to downloading it with the itch app, for some reason it reset the projectile speed upgrade but nothing else.

I have 0 explanation how that could even happen, but it did.

The only ability upgrade I tried this with is businessman; and unless the bonus from that is already factored into the money gain displayed on the silver-upgrades screen ingame it doesn't work at all, so possible it is because the skill is broken. It was displayed as upgraded ingame, but as soon as you lost and went back if you checked it it was back at lvl1; not to mention that I doubt it worked.

I understand the idea behind the stress accumulation mechanic and that it is there to introduce sex scenes, but what if you would make the scenes rewards for achievements (have something fully upgraded, reach wave X, clear a total of Y waves, etc.); as said overall right now it does four things, and I don't think you should want any of them: It disrupts game flow, it makes it look like you get sex for performing badly, it makes it a chore and it punishes you for upgrading total max stress level

And another suggestion I forgot to mention: 

Please buff economic upgrades. Especially money per wave but also money per customer are both having the problem because the increase is linear and their cost increase isn't you quickly come to a point at which upgrading either will end with you at a net-loss. I mean if I pay 400g to make 5g more per wave that means I'd need to clear 80 more waves after that to make the money back; and while this is less bad with money/customer upgrades it still has the same problem: paying 3,8k or whatever it was again is not worth it, because you'd need to get another 3,8k customers afterwards to make that back - something quite unrealistic if you are at the point you will be at if you have to pay that much money for that upgrade. It would probably be best have a flat increase in the office upgrades but have a percentage increase ingame that also takes the office upgrades into account.