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A member registered Dec 07, 2017

Recent community posts

Harkbonnen confirmed that it's Oxybutynin "Ox-see-butting-in."

VPNs are your friends!

Understandable, I'm familiar with the difficulties in getting over the platform barrier.  But hypothetically, if the stars aligned and you did get a port made (or, alternatively: if I got a Windows machine at some point in the future, and you updated some games in the meantime), would those versions be uploaded here? 

Does this run on current MacOS?  The Steam page says it doesn't, but I can't see how recently it was updated.

Might want to add that to the listed platforms - it still shows up in searches as a Windows-only game. 

Any chance of getting a mac version?

What platforms does this work on?

new game genre unlocked ("makes you feel like a small child being gently encouraged by loving parents into what you will later recognize as functional life habits")

(1 edit)

ceci n'est pas une sémiotique

ceci n'est pas une cuillère 

ceci n'est pas un jeu

I've been holding off on buying because I'm on a Mac - if you ever make mac versions, will they be uploaded here?

That's actually what I mean by "path-locked" - the initial reactions dominate the conversation, and everyone responds to those instead of what the game is actually like now. (See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Path_dependence)

(1 edit)

You're welcome, I hope it was helpful. 

I don't know if there are any adult games specifically that tried that - the examples I'm familiar with are mostly things like fanfic and fan art, in the context of some very toxic internet spaces.  Itch probably isn't as bad, but I recognize some of the same patterns happening in your comment sections.  

My impression as a total newcomer is actually just what you describe - that the comment section ended up path-locked by people early on yelling about NTR, and none of them updated their models when you actually changed the game.  But I'm an outlier who actually reads all the evidence before starting to form an opinion.  

The "NTR-Free Edition" really was my rebranding suggestion - cut off the mess and start fresh, while making clear that you did hear the complaints and change the game in response.  You wouldn't need to change anything about the actual game, because (as you pointed out) you already made that change.

Embrace the loli.  You know you want to.

Not sure what the system requirements are, as the page doesn't list any.

(2 edits)

Just found this game and haven't actually played it yet, but I've seen that kind of "rebranding" backfire before - there's a certain type of person that goes "aha, that devious [liker of things I don't like] is trying to conceal their knavery, I will go into the comments of the new thing and warn everyone."  

(Tangential linguistic pedantry: My only gripe with the "3YoV" title is that you tried to abbreviate "30" to "3," and numbers don't abbreviate like that, so it reads like "3-year-old virgin."  Also, either both the Y and O should be capitalized, or neither - lowercase letters in abbreviations are usually reserved for prepositions, so it actually reads like "3 Years of Virgin."  Which is definitely an improvement on "3-year-old virgin," but still not quite what you're looking for.)

Maybe make a new version titled "30 Year Old Virgin: NTR-Free Edition," put in a description that talks about how you've heard the feedback and removed all the NTR, and just have it be the same game?

> be a game dev, achieve career success, get laid a lot 

Do I detect a smidgen of self-insert wish-fulfillment here?

Will these revamps ever get Mac versions (as the originals did)?

Is there an alternative download link? Mega is whining at me about "transfer quotas exceeded," which I believe is formerly-free-web-service code for "we have forgotten how to do capitalism, please use one of our competitors until we remember."

CBLT 18+ community · Created a new topic Mac version?

Does this work on Mac as well as on Windows?  

I picked this up back before there were any other chapters out.  Is the full version also playable on Mac (or if not, will it be at some point)?

Is there an alternate download link? Mega isn't doing its job.

Is there an alternative download link? Mega is failing to download and then whining about "transfer limit exceeded" when I re-try.

Great!  I'll go ahead and get it, then.

Thank you very much!

I recently uncovered this from the forgotten wastes of my unorganized hard drive.  I have a DLC bundle attached to it, but the game doesn't detect any DLC.  Did that get reorganized at some point?

I picked up 0.925 ~2 years ago, and I thought I was at the "get-the-new-version-early" level - did the price level go up since then?

Will this get a Mac version at some point?

Does the current bundle include the 0.6.4 release?

Are there any alternative download links? MEGA keeps failing to download multiple times in a row and then whinging about "exceeding transfer quota."

Is this playable on Mac?

The downloads come out titled "Elf Breeding Program." Did some files get copied to the wrong place?

Is this series likely to ever get a Mac version made?

Are those walkthroughs/mods up to date? The ones I can find on F95zone only go up to 1.1.6 - do those also work on 1.1.11?


I think the proper term for Kyuu is a gynoid, not an android.  

Is this playable on MacOS? It looks fun.

Most of the previous chapters have mac versions - is there a reason this doesn't?

The patreon page is gone.  What were the details?