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A member registered Nov 21, 2019

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(1 edit)

Sorry.  I should of asked you to describe the problem last time in order to help find a proper solution instead of assuming. So what does the game do when you open it? (Error messages, blank grey/black screens, etc)

Provide screenshots and add them here if necessary. (Windows 7 has "snipping tool", search for it in the start menu and take a snippet of the problem)

At the server select screen, type in the Konami code. (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A)

At the server select screen, type in the Konami code. (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A)

At the server select screen, type in the Konami code. (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A)

Messing around with Windows 7 in Vbox and I found a strange work around to get it to work.

1. Open up to a random folder and maximize it.
2. Start the game.
3. When the Unity logo pops up, quickly press and hold ALT, then press TAB to move to the maximized folder. (be sure to get to this folder before it leaves the unity logo)
4. Wait a few seconds until you hear the video tape sound. ALT+TAB back to the game.

I do have aero disabled in these instructions.

In that first link, there is an audio file called "dial tone" that has Morse code. It translates to: PER SENTENCE LONGEST WORD LAST LETTER MINUS KEY WORD KEY:DOG

We're aware of the mysterious phone number mentioning KEY:DOG, and so far nobody has commented mentioning that audio file, so perhaps someone can put the pieces together with this new information?