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A member registered Mar 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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💕 You're too kind! It was all your hard work, all I did was give you a little push! 🤩

YAY! So excited to get this and check it out!

Thanks much, that's very kind! Secretly hoping I have time to re-make this one day~

Hello hello!
First, I think it's important to clarify that these are not "episodes"! These are chapters! And no, chapter 8 is not the last one-- not even close! I believe the prologue (this part of the story) will have about 15 chapters by the end. Then, that story will lead directly into the game and I've got a few other supplementary materials I wanna make too.

And hey! I'm excited for the finished product too. It'll be many years in production and it'll be great to make some omnibus of the books because printing 8 different books is always very tough.

This comic is my full time job, so I don't plan on stopping now. (Though, a lot of sites are trying to make this a lot harder for me...)
If you like the story, please check out the other parts too:

Thanks a ton for your comment!

Bonus points for adding my comic on Tapas and reading/commenting there, since I get paid for views:

(1 edit)

There is no German translation yet. If you wanna help me get one made, I'm open to it! :D

Wait until you find out about the rest of my comics 😏

So many fantastic layers to this! I really enjoyed the second episode and am hoping this does well enough that you can do a third, or however many might be planned! 🙏 Thank you for another amazing audio! (And thank you to all the VAs too!)

Oh ho! I'll have to get this soon!

This looks neat!

YES!!!! 🤩 I loved the first one so I'm very excited to see a second!

Oh no, my bad memory has kicked in and I'm blanking too. If I remember correctly though, Priscilla will move once you give her the puzzle that's in that cabinet in the dining room and the oven has something to do with the candle and handle somewhere? Oh god, I'm so sorry, it's been a minute since even I've played this X'D

Thank you!

Yes, any and all porn is banned for games via the playstore and none of my work there has adult content to apply with their TOS. Itchio has no such rules though.  

Have fun!

(1 edit)

This is the 18+ version! Says so right in the description and right when you open the game.



Sou um artista de quadrinhos como profissão. Mais quadrinhos virão.

Os jogos levam mais tempo. Estou trabalhando no meu jogo, então seja paciente.

Por favor, leia meus quadrinhos enquanto isso.

Além disso, eu não falo português, desculpe! Eu estou usando um tradutor.

Yep. This is it! The final chance to get the book version of this story. (The PDF will remain available, of course.) I've had a ton of fun selling this book the last few years, but it's time to make room for new stuff. But, I wanted to give folks one last chance to get it.

BUY THE BOOK HERE! Merch for the series is on sale too!

If you're on a  Windows desktop, you need to unzip the .zip file. This is usually done by simply right clicking the selecting, "Extract" and then once you have that folder on your computer, you click the .exe that's located inside. (This is a very common procedure for games hosted on Itchio, I promise my game isn't special.) That should be all you need to do!

Next time, try a quick Google search first! 😂 You'd be surprised how much you can learn by just poking around the web!

No worries! Thanks for e-mailing me! I will get back to you ASAP.

So, Gumroad said all files would still be available to users when we removed our projects-- which turned out to not be true!

That said, I've also made several posts about how folks should reach out to me if they don't have access to their files so, if that happened to you (which it sounds like it has) please contact me at darkchibishadow @ gmail . com with your receipts and I'll make sure you get everything that's been removed from Gumroad.

In the future, I'd consider trying to find a way to contact artists directly (my info is on my website) before making a post on an unrelated product-- it's usually a much faster way to fix the problem!

(1 edit)

So, Gumroad said all files would still be available to users when we removed our projects-- which turned out to not be true!

That said, I've made sure to give anyone their files who has contacted me about this problem. If that happened to you (which it sounds like it has) please contact me at darkchibishadow @ gmail . com with your receipts and I'll make sure you get everything that's been removed from Gumroad.

In the future, I'd consider trying to find a way to contact artists directly (my info is on my website) before making a post on an unrelated product-- it's usually a much faster way to fix the problem!

First time that's ever happened to me... how embarrassing... 😳💦 Should be up now!



I hope you'll enjoy! 💕

Follow my account here and you'll get alerted when this goes on sale from time to time. 👍


It could be that they allow for illustrated porn to get by and not others, but it is unclear from the quick search I saw.

I'm currently doing research on alternatives and will probably try to release some kind of guide on my website about this.

Quickly looking it up, Payhip does not seem allow adult content? (Or have you seen people using it for that purpose?)

Everything that is on Itchio is staying on Itchio, but as I mentioned above, I do not know where I will be moving fan comics such as "Two of Hearts" or "Delicious in Dungeon" to -- since I don't quite feel my Itchio page is the best for things like that. (But, if I have to move them here, I will.)

Illustration collection PDFs (like the Stardew one) are less likely to be moved here for multiple reasons.

Everything I've ever made is up on a site that's exclusive to my Patrons and not at risk of being censored-- so that's truly the best option, really.

It's when someone's mouth, butt, vagina, hole, is linked by a magic portal to a toy or something similar.

In this case, one of the character's has a cock sleeve that leads to the other character's ass. So, he can fuck the sleeve and the other character can feel it.

It is something I see in hentai a lot but doesn't seem to have an agreed upon name that I know of? So I went with "flesh portal"... Guess it isn't as clear as I thought it was? So I'm open for suggestions on what to call it.

No worries! Glad we could catch that!

Love it!

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Also, I download the trans.pdf but it doesn't seem to be NSFW at all. (Despite being labeled in the PDF)
Maybe a leftover tag from prior chapters?

Caught up on all of these last night and didn't realize just how recent this one was! Really fantastic work.

Oh! This is a longer one, how exciting!

Glad I've got some cash so I can sink my teeth into this one. 🤩

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your thoughtful comment! These two were super fun to write. ❤


Thanks so much!