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A member registered Feb 03, 2017

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Hi again,

1. Great it's easier for new players to understand clicking with the mouse.

1.5 I would suggest to refrain from making a mobile version since it might require you to simplify the game down a lot or might take up a lot of valuable time learning how to make it for iOS and Android that could have been spent on making the game first game for Windows, my suggestion would be finish the game first then port.

2. Great to hear! Boarding and being boarded is something that is very exciting and would love to see that patched in.

@Pixel Art.

Looks great I know it's a preview but it's very grey when it's further along and the background is filled in and there is a ship decal it could be pretty lovely!


It's your game but I feel like scifi games are on the rise the last couple years, look at Star Citizen, FTL, Elite Dangerous, Starbound, Stellaris, Endless Space, X-Rebirth, EVERSPACE, ect ect

I'm not sure making it a submarine one will net you a lot of users/customers since to be honest I would never go out looking for a water based game, I found this game yesterday by looking for a multiplayer space game since my Star Citizen organization (Clan) is waiting for the next patch and I've stumbled upon this game.

So my advice would be to keep it Sci-Fi orientated, since you are probably planning on keeping the current engine you could very well add the ability to allow spaceship to land and submerge into ocean planets (requiring specific parts or upgrades) or have a smaller craft go to the planet and submerge.

Underwater planets could contain dangerous life forms but allow for extracting rare minerals from the sea floor or exploring underwater constructs that hold tech.

This would allow you to give a creative underwater twist while still having the ability to jump between systems using space ships. You don't have to put a planet in every system make them feel special.

Just my suggestion after reading your post.