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A member registered Oct 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

So I love how all the new things are there and maybe more. Like since we have Rabies one, why not make some other monsters? Like a demon version or slime? Love the game and cant wait for the next time. How do I get the ovary infection bacteria?

How about making some demon parts like horns and tail, along side other monster girl styles. That would really make your game worth more than you believe

says the file doesn't exist

Guess the old patch is gone? I would like to play without starting over

(1 edit)

okay so got a thing here. When I get the hookshot and battle the mini boss. I get a crash. Saying like the action is not happening. Also can I transfer my old save to the new game since I don't want to lose the progress I have. I am at the palace of ice and really don't want to go through it all again.

I will be honest. This game was not something that I thought I would enjoy. But I gave it a shot and actually am very surprised on how good everything is. So I loved it. Can't wait for the full game to be done.

That ending. I honestly loved the game all the way through. If you do make a post game to it, I would love to see how far it can be to continue the best game I have truly wanted to play. Thank you so much and hope to someday play more of the games you make.