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A member registered Dec 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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for now get cash every saturday

Also if 1 variable changed due to an old save, the whole game can go to shit. Starting a new game seemed to work for the others

try entering your room at night from the lobby

Im on it should be online later today

Probably switched up something. Thx for pointing it out. I'll check it out later

You can download the walkthrough. But after that wait until evening. Your first client will be waiting in the office. After that you have to wait for next

Not yet. I'm considering it tough. But it will come eventually.

Sry but I don't speak Spanish. But I assume you want to know why you can't buy her.

It's the end of the version wait for next update

ah I c.

Next update will be heavier on the content. Thx for playing.

jup. Like I wrote in the devlog :any savegame after the Riffa bathhouse  scene is useless, since basically day 2 has been deleted and it has been turned into a freeroam game.  That's why later savegames are not working cause it's a different script.

mega links are on the Patreon page

First of all, let me thank you for playing my game and and giving me some feedback. 

"However, imo, despite the plot being endearing, the initial execution simply makes the two first characters unlikable af and I hope you address that in your coming update."

This is not the first time I'm reading this.  Please understand that this is my first game and I was checking the waters ◉‿◉, trying to figure out what would appeal to you guys. I have read some harsh things, but it only makes me wanna tweak my game to the point I can truly be proud.

 I can tell you  the execution will definitely be different. Progress with the girls will be slower. if you want to do the "double whopper",  you'll have to do some work and build up relationships with the main characters. 

Thx again,  and I hope you'll continue playing my game.

There won't be a day 3 the next update will be a v0.01 because of the massive changes. For more info check Patreon.

Not planning any femdom at the moment, but who knows what the future holds ;p

Release dates for Day 2

Lucky/Lover Tier January 19th

Follower/Superfan January 22nd

Supporter January 23rd

Public Release January 24th

No Sounds yet. Wait for day 2. More info's and release dates on Patreon

No there aren't

check the patreon page.. you can dl the apk seperatly.