So it means, that if I upload new webgl build to it won`t load GUID?
DarkMoon Studio
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I would like to know what leaderboard system you used in your games and why. It would be great if you share some thoughts. Also it can help someone in future jams
In our project I used lootlocker leaderboard, so I implemented while label registration. I think registration scares people so it is main disadvantage in our game.
Hi, thanks for your response. I agree with you about difficulty curve, we had lack of time due to bad time managment. Registration was needed in order to make lootlockers leaderboard to work. It may have some problems but it would be better then our last game for prebious jam, where leaderboard is broken.
I was wondering what everybody else will be using to make their leaderboards, whether you plan to use other external tools, built-in engine features, or even hand-made code. I understand if you guys don't want to share since we're competing. However, I am curious. I plan to use a leaderboard in a future project of mine and was wondering if you had any recommendations.
Personaly I would like to use dreamlo but as I uderstand it will not work on