Hello I'm sure your busy and something came up but keep up the great work but I'm going to point this out just so people know for the moment and not saying this community is dumb or don't get what I'm saying I'm just pointing out something so you don't feel rushed so this is also very obvious GAME = DEAD, at the moment see ya at the next update I can't wait to play more of this game (also sorry if I sound like a entitled prick I'm not trying to sound like that I'm just trying to help others and help the creator not feel rushed sorry to all who see this as a mean comment or me saying that there dumb or something you are all very intelligent and I love this game and I'm working in game design so I'm new to the pain of coding and character design and a whole lot more but I'm learning more and more and it's becoming more and more tedious as i progress, thank you for understanding keep up the amazing work I really like this game)
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Hello I can't play this game but it looks very interesting and want to play the game so you happen to be planning on making a web or browser version of the game and will the older version be free after a certain point so like paid early access then like a update or two later the previous version be free, also even though I can't play it keep up the good work looks good from what I can see
This game from what I played is great but I do have to report a bug about the web browser version.
on mobile the game doesn't play with mobile controls for the web browser.
On mobile the game won't open anymore for the web browser it might be all devices.
I would play the mobile version of the game but It isn't compatible with my phone so I can only play the mobile version.
Thank you for understanding I really like the game please keep up the great work
I know this is a ren'py issue but thought maybe their could still be a downloadable version for mobile because the browser version either crashes Everytime or the screen goes black and says out of memory on the top I'm trying to play the browser version on mobile I have been waiting on this game to reach on mobile because if looked good and I wanted to play it but from what I can play the game is great keep up the amazing work thank you for understanding sorry for complaining just been waiting to play this game for a while
I have a possible bug report: later stages of growth for Emma's sprites don't pop up as a design IDK if there just not done or it's a bug but keep it up with the work I'm enjoying the update
Fat mixed with muscle sprites after you increase weight and increase muscle at a certain point the sprites don't pop up just for clarification if I wasn't clear on what I mean btw