no joke one thing i want rn because u did all the other stuff we asked for is a small island that can appear if you spend enough time playing
A member registered Dec 23, 2016
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AMAZING GAME ONE OF THE BEST SURVIVAL GAMES I HAVE ON MY PC AND I HAVE 100+ ALL IT NEEDS IS 1.SAVE PLEASE I SPENT 3 HOURS THEN STOPPED AND I DIDNT KNOW SAVING WASNT A THING Dx 2. time of day 3.more fish 4.the raft should move a tiny bit now and then 5. SAVE I NEED TO SAVE MY GAME 6.every 10 sharks u kill another will spawn meaning kill 10 then 2 spawn kill 2 then 3 spawn 7.guns with all the scrap a easy gun shouldnt be hard
thats all i have but main one is SAVE IT NEED SAVE