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A member registered Aug 01, 2019

Recent community posts

I remember playing it when it was called towergirls. Well. Now this game looks really good. Sadly that for biw no storyline with insect or bird princess. But! Hooe to see storylines in future updates. Also when i saw faun innkeeper in harvest town,i wonder if he's/she's gonna get a scene like faun princess in tavern. (also wonder if harvest princess bell gonna change gender of any princess, when not in camp) 


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Played v0.02... Well. KInda broken for now. In options need changing resolution. Also kinda don't understand how to broke those stones where cave with kobold. But project have potential tho (also save game and load game is broken)

What can i say. Game is really good and have potential, keep working on it. Also, hope to see more playable races (for example bird like or maybe insect). And i think need some other classes, for example when starting new game you can choose beetween mage, warrior, bandit, or somethin like that.

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Well. I finished game and. IM SUPRISED! This game is good and difficult.


Also surprised that villian from first and sadly cancelled game bout cabry is her father! Hope to see more games bout cabry maybe even can tell some ideas if need


I had thoughts bout omega and alpha patgs for paul. 

If he's omega, paul become more girly and begin wear girly outfits (maybe also became kinda breedable) 

If he's alpha, paul become more muscular man and can be stronger in fights as bonus

I remember your first or not first game about neighboors.It was interesting.

Where is secret char on circus lv? 

Game is really needs to be polished, optimized and fixed cuz it's crashing everytime

Is there secret character anywhere in circus level? 

Also, what's going? There no new updates

Very interesting . Corrupted kobolds looking cool. Hope to see update soon (also see some more male/male stufc with kobolds or others ;3) 

Hope to see spin off bout him

Third level is hard at part with balloons. But good tho.


So played a while this game. What can i say. Great start but we really need checkpoints. Also hope to see more stuff where males f*ck Cobry

Cabry is back!

Holy. 21 upd got so much patches

Need a bug fix. After you press "cum" it's immeadetly shos black screen (i got also softlocked at braixen scene after that. There was only showed black screen and i can't do anything)

Yesterday i finished the game. So. 

Its really fun to play, interesting story and sexy characters. My fav is snail Elroy. 

Hope to see more games from you (and see more Elroy appearence's there) 

Menu is too big that i couldn't see instructions. Hope to see fixes and windowed mode at least. Game is good. But idk what to do after all visitors leaving and no one is coming

Okay. Thank you

Finished game. Good pixel art. Got all coins and animations

Finished game. But want to know if there any secrets or secret ending? If no thn ok and how to get swim mask that on 3 image? Also boss fight with killer and sealed was difficult, also with flare kinda. Hope to see more games like that

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It's gonna be better if you get well first. Take some rest, till you'll get better

I think cardinal bell need to change gender of princess not only during sex scenes in tent. 

Hope to see next update. First BH was really beautiful.

Potential, i feel

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Okay. Also, i remembered here. In one backrooms game was room full of moths. Maybe moths can be new entity in game

So. Game have potential. It's fun to play. I hope to see more. And have an idea for game:

1. Trap rooms with big amount of smiler girls. If you accidentaly walk there, then bunch of smiler grils gonna do gang bang till you die

2. Revere rape game over scene. Just rare game over scene i think or maybe if smiler's horny level at 4 and she catches you and do reverse rape

3. Maybe there more skins can be and some pregnancy stuff for smiler?

This game have a lot potential you shouldn't abandon it for sure

I haven't notice any changes or difficulty reduce on 4 night. She again catching at 3 or 4 am

I think we need more games bout these doggos

This game have potential!

Probably need fix with night 4 cuz i tried to beat it, but MalO shows up everytime at 04 or 05 am. (I flashing and closing window, door is always closed, but she shows up at almost the end of night!)

there in pc world message with not right spell for portal and it's gonna be writed in journal (glitchy red thing with misfortune symbol

There branch where tomato guy, you need to water branch and after jump high on platforms, go right and then you find tomato club spiko and spiko in tomato costume. To get bad end, give left spiko tomato gem from house where found shell

... Last set at misfortune spiko 

3 set in 190 cucumbers door

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So.. I decided to start new game and try to collect all 36 blue cucumbers. But i still got 35... I talked with exel and he said bout 11 uses of mysterious shell... But... Where is 11 use? Maybe it's 36'th blue cucumber that i missed (i also have theory bout carrot npc. Why only her/him? Cuz i talked with everyone and got nothing or blue cucumber already). But if really. Im in dead end right now. (ingame i got 35 if not count picture of that blue cucumber)