I've found that by following the directory listed in these errors, you can usually either directly find the file it's looking for and correct its name so the game can properly identify it, usually while the game is still running and then hit Retry button,
or, if the file it's looking for either isn't there or you can't tell which one is mis-named, just grab something of a similar size and create a copy then give it the name it's looking for to let it move on.
From what I can tell, it looks like they may be hand-naming and coding and occasionally forget a capital or lowercase. I can remember fixing a few pictures this way in previous versions, I don't think I've ever seen an audio file have this problem though. Neat.
Recent community posts
Is there any way to change the characters titles after a game is already well started? I rolled with the defaults, and was just ignoring it up to this point, but by now the jank of them is bugging me more and more, and I'd like to go in and change them around, but I couldn't figure it out poking around the files. The save files can't be read by a simple notepad program so my one and only tool failed me.
Since you've announced the game as complete, I went ahead and re-downloaded and threw some money your way, before I've even booted it up. I wish I could spare more but I have to budget around minimum wage, it makes it feel like I've given an insultingly small amount for how much I enjoyed this.
Please, against all the screaming idiots, consider it a feather in your cap that you've decided to wrap up a project with an ending. Nothing salts my wounds more than remembering that the book series Terry Goodkind wrote, he considered done and tried to start a new series. It went poorly and people kept crying for more of the previous. Eventually, he started giving them what they wanted, but now, a few years back, he passed away before he could complete the expanded storyline. Now there's just a hardstop bundle of loose-ends and open plot points we'll never have closed.
By all accounts, Henry Ford like most CEO's was an ass to know personally, but he did make a good point: "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have told me a faster horse." People can't know what the next greatest thing is if they don't branch out and try new things.
Personally, enjoying this bundle of fun you made was a nice incentive to start cleaning out the content I consume, and raise my standards. I'm going to HAVE my happy endings dammit, and if I can't get it, or I have to eat horrors with it on the same plate, I'm going to just start walking away and looking somewhere else. I don't need to accept horrible things to have the kinks I like, I can have my happy endings, I just need to look harder.
Edit: Also! Handler hazing is super fun and I like that as well! I hadn't realized you made it as well.
Just. Wow. I hadn't realized it till I played this, but I had been missing being able to just genuinely enjoy a story with erotica content without reservations. I realize not many would sing the praises of the narrative here, but I couldn't leave it unmentioned. Mostly it's because I sit in a weird limbo of loving expansion content, but not really being invested in the extreme sizes that result, even though those are often the best expansions that I enjoy the most.
So I tend to end up consuming a lot of corruption and manipulation story content. As someone who really likes happy endings and pointlessly cruel people getting their consequences, this story was super refreshing. I hadn't completely realized how invested I was in the reading until it got to the part where Lucy got called out for her hostility, when it really sank in. That was a fantastic and fresh experience, the MC actually throwing out someone in the middle of the process for a completely sound reason, and not having some deus-ex-machina process allow the fetish content to power through via plot hole.
You've essentially re-created the psychology experiment of leaving people in a room with a button that buzzes them; Showing that a long enough, but often quite short, amount of time will have them so bored they start buzzing themselves, just to have something to do, and it was shocking them. Here, people are at risk of starving to death trapped in a isolated box, and the solution is not only pleasant, but being properly controlled and studied. It also hits reasonable snags in the process, with sane people managing the solutions. Your team has somehow managed to not only have the cake, but eat it too. Neither the story nor the erotica are isolated from each other, and I wish more stories or games could do that, hard as it is.
In addition, I don't think I've ever played a match game that took the power scaling approach used here. I was hyper skeptical about how long or effective the time limit always being 30 seconds could be, but I've fully consumed all the content and never once thought the game mechanics overstayed their welcome, even failing off and on. That's a great accomplishment, you've built a very sound gameplay loop for your purposes here. I'm a big fan of the approach that any games fail state should have the absolute fewest inputs needed between a fail and a retry, and that's very much the case here.
All around, absolutely well done.