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A member registered Mar 26, 2017

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Interesting, looking forward to it!

In the new game would we be squishing or getting squished?

Oh I get it, thanks!

(1 edit)

Is there a special thing you have to do to beat the future boss, in the wasteland world? I get him to zero health but he doesn't die? Sorry for not being more specific but I don't want to spoil anything without permision. 

You don't have to tell me how I just want to know if there is something.

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I realized that continue dialog just now, and I did start new game, sorry for the confusion Dr.

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So if I just wait long enough in game the conversation will continue and the boss fight will be playable?

Also my save is started from the demo, does that change anything? If so should I start a new game?

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He said from the begining it would cost money though?

Thanks doc, looks wonderful!

Yay! Looking forward to playing!

Sounds great! Don't worry we can wait.

(1 edit)

Will there be any big friendlies in the game?

You've done a great job so far, but don't forget to not burn yourself out we can wait. Looking forward to buying it when it releases!

I'm really looking forward to your game!

Any chance of more Syd?

Take as long as you need