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A member registered Oct 10, 2015

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In this version, with the cheese relic, if the last enemy on screen is killed by the cheese on a reload, your turn doesn't end. You have to discharge an orb and finish it as though there were an enemy.

hi. loving the game so far. spent a couple of days with it, got a win, and thought i'd set it aside until it came out of early access, but frankly, it's got its hooks in me, so i'm just going in again.
anyway, my one big suggestion would be to add the option to speed up the enemies' round. it can be very frustrating, particularly on spiderweb levels, to have a bunch of spiders, like, first slowly move into position and then one by one fire off their attacks when you essentially already know what's happening and want to get back to making moves.

also, there's a bug (not sure how to reproduce it) where after a certain point, the only enemies that spawn in a level are the red ones, even after dying and starting over several times. the last time this happened before i refreshed, one even spawned in the very corner of the level inside a wall.

i've had this happen a couple times at the start of a level:
also, fwiw, i'd gladly pay even $15 for this on my phone, since i got so much out of the first one and it was so cheap