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A member registered Dec 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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Glad you liked it! Thanks for playing :)

I like how you polished it :) The graphics and controls are nice.

Although the gameplay could be leveled up I believe, f.e. if you add some visuals around fallen barrels (like spreading oil?) so that when it touches the ice it starts to melt faster.

Also to make it less abstract how about add a helicopter as a main character we control?

It then could use different tools to clean up the oil and grab the animals.

Also animating the animals would make it more lively :)

And yeah, I agree with previous comments - a progression is a must have - maybe clearing up an icebergs set makes the heli fly to the next one, etc.

>Did you notice that the "bounciness" of the platforms increases as you get away from the center of the Helix?

I didn't and possibly that could be shown to user somehow? Maybe with color?

(2 edits)


Thanks for your feedback! :)

These are very valid points, will try to improve them!

Update: Just pushed a new build with better snap zone indicators, closer holsters and fixed step height, thanks again!

It definitely looks better & more clear with custom models instead of the cubes :)

Nice set of mechanics!

I believe you can push it more and come up with a game focused on some of them.

And - fixed (I think) :)

Thanks! How many levels did you beat? :)

Re the club - definitely could be improved, will try, thx!