Talk to her daily... took me 2+ weeks in game time.
Recent community posts
The latest version I've seen (3.2.39) includes things like Mira goes missing, and many new jobs you can do; but nothing after the haven quest. The rail station is added but there is nothing there. Not sure if I'm allowed to say where the latest version is available, so I won't for now; but it is out there on other sites (do virus scans etc to be safe)
These are the ways i've found so far.
Use the crow bar to open the vent in the upstairs lounge storage room, you will find some accelernt (lighter fluid); find matches in a sleeping bag (don't get caught), light a fire on the ground floor, sneak up and hide in the vent for a few hours then harass big al when he's sleeping. the guard assumes your a prostitute leaving.
keep listening in all locations at different times, you may find enough info to leave
The below pipe method (i haven't got this to work yet)
Do the above with the matches and get caught and become a sex slave and be rescued in 6 months (Sex involved)
Talk to the nice guard 4-5 times and he'll invite you upstairs for a gang bang with the guards.