Hey there, if you need help with coding, feel free to send a message on discord: mixin2672 I already have some solid experience programming and would like to help out.
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Hello, when i try to start a new game the game crashes,https://imgur.com/a/HSfn3rU
I did try the game and it crashed
Here is the CrashLog:
action number 1
of Step Eventobj_enemy_hitbox
for object obj_player_hurtbox:
Unable to find any instance for object index '4' name 'obj_player'
at gml_Object_obj_player_hurtbox_Collision_209f06ff_e674_42d4_a346_213fe1b3ae2b
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_player_hurtbox_Collision_209f06ff_e674_42d4_a346_213fe1b3ae2b (line -1)