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A member registered May 23, 2022

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if you got a good run it is very fun. Returning spellcards is probably the most critical upgrade to have (power overwhelming). Half cost spell for 5 mana and the goldminting one really allowed me to stack the wheels with powerfull stuff and then when I got max hp spell it went up. Somehow it all feels too powerfull and.

So far not, the last fight ends before the boss dies and I do not know what happens is that on purpose due to the demo?

insane ammount of upgrades

Most powerful stats so far. (200+ luck, 100% crit, 32+ targets, dodge capped, 96 firerate) Its one of the most engaging on roguelikes on the site.

it is not

the lightning knockback on the big ones is annoying.....

defense feels unbalanced as its absolute numbers and too short obviously :X

did an enemy reach your center tile?

happens when the enemy reaches the center I expect

Probably best game concept I have seen this year.  Permanent progression talents and prestige system would improve replayabillity.

Took a while, bugs I noticed is that once in a while you can no longer move in a direction hitting an invisible wall (affects enemies too), you can spend money for upgrades you can't afford, game broke after stage 14 maybe I clicked too fast but no more enemies would appear. I just guessed around.

what a chill bullet hell, very zen

That took a while but was fun. The gnome speaks german?

Interesting gameplay I think the game is about which stats you choose to dump and trade.

Trading money for luck

Elemental for multi target. Crit for damage. HP on supply.

To trade back and forth is possible but choosing to go negative I think works out better.

Soldier can be a bit annoying as you got zero aoe without upgrades

since the second loot rarity upgrade I get higher stats much easier.

This run was comfy

Your roll deals 3k damage and your shots freeze the enemy? 

I do crit builds mostly for now. 40-60% crit and usually stacking up crit damage to 300-700%

If I would have to list the best upgrades then it is probably:

Tier I: berserkers blood, exploding arrow they are the two best upgrades in the game hands down I think

Tier II: is probably ricochet, demonic pact, double edge and panic frenzy, chain combo, quickdraw magazine (for not warrior)

Tier III: Sniper, Machine Gun, Multishot

magnet upgrade is its own special thing

Not a fan of the 3 roll upgrades from the achievement. They reduced my power and I have to spend rerolls to get rid of them constantly. There are around 2-3 upgrades which can make the playthrough a breeze and the roll upgrades make it less likely to get them. 

24 cards in one turn, just keeping the deck small putting the energy (once per turn into it) and stacking the zero energy damage

Fun game especially with using salamis as headgear. Meeting demons who delete me randomly sucks though. Maybe I shouldn't have sold my best gear for money.

Feels very powerfull. Beat the boss now twice, once with mana+stun on bash with poison stacks, the other just with passive armor whittling it down.

I had 10 at one point even

The team size might be too large I find anything beyond 6 to me cluttered.

Sad that I can't invest into the factory for a million.

if you got the highest rank you can convert the slaves in the talk interaction submenu, made the mistake of converting slaves to atheism

very bad choice as it raises willpower over time.....

misses something like an endless tower where you can fight enemies with rising difficulty

I got that messa bird on the first run like yesterday, the abillity seemed useless and quirky somehow if it gives wounds on death especially so?

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put the cheese in your inventory and pick up an egg

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for rare items you aim for chests, for anything below you save  aura and aim for shops with refresh 3-4 times each

you play on calamity?

tuskal is too much of a glass canon when his buff stacks up to receive twice the damage

try use that amulet which gives you armor on cast

there is an item that gives elemental synergy, hydrim and tizik are very strong

for the standard run always go for 3 max evolved monster that is the easiest I think and core advice regardless of which monster you choose, in general having a strong well rounded damage dealer like a skimander/chikita/scutter is a good start, avoid haunted monster, tuskal is the worst monster in the game now I think

The buff gives your whole team passive dmg reduction that is the strongest part of it in my opinion. 

We would have to look how many must have synergy items you can replace and weight it up.  Haunted is pretty much worthless endgame, sabotage not a must have, lucky is ok, 6/6 tenacity gives you +30% dmg but I never aim for it, getting a guardian without abillity replacement that is quite powerful if you got one tizik or seras who got very good abilities, magic just a tiny bonus, you get the aquatic which is a must have that likely safes you one item slot, you likely want most of your monsters to have tactician anyway so yes that might safe one.

Now we went for the hollistic team improvements but does a single monster that got all the synergies punch harder than the sum of its parts? A lucky tenacious? Hardly any dmg upside prima facie. I really can not see how.

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tizik gets +20  permanent speedbuff and strength debuff in the storm event in the last zone  if you choose safe passage, if you choose the two random I think tizik gets jittery permanent which makes it attack directly in a fight from then on

forrest lord, appears when you get all regional blessings, then you can pick either the crown there or double the effect of the blessings

nice thank you