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A member registered Feb 07, 2024

Recent community posts

what i mean is he hasnt replied to any of this i dont think he cares lol

good luck

we could make a fan version?

YES, he could make a bug report channel for each game 

or make different severs for each game???

I think it'll be  easier then coming on itch and scrolling down to find 1 answer because that was my problem when I first started playing finding answer's  to simple questions.  

you need a discord for your fans LAGS 

i could help set it up, you could have help channels and QnA channels where you pin the most asked QnA  and links too all your games and social media.

ok so when up top go left and keep jumping into the gate unill it falls over then.....

i use 7 zip

damn why if you dont mind me asking?

(2 edits)

NAH idk if its the art or ez gameplay but i love this game like i found out about your game on tictok and got a free version like 2.0 apk and played though bluestacks  i went n payed for it like 4 days ago but iv been playing this game off on on for like 5 months 

(1 edit)

so is this left over text?

no only on the later ver7 on pc sorry 

god mod for a short time

so im on pc i have the newest versions out atm and iv noticed the animations botton isnt there unless you goto annies story and even then when i click  on it it just shows haileys outfits but you cant click on anything ill in put screen shots after but most of the erotic pix dont work too