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A member registered Aug 02, 2016

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Hi Steve.

Thanks for getting back to me so soon.

I am still loving this game. Just reached day 53 on endless mode.

I have a few suggestions that might be interesting, but again just suggestions and nothing more.

1. Mouse controls so the character walks to where you point and click. (by the time I got to day 27 my wrist was messed up! I actually had to take a break!)

1. A shovel upgrade that turn it in to a drill. (for breaking large rocks in to gravel to fill in craters)

2. A radar/compass that could upgrade (to possibly to a second needle for a compass) to locate water deposits beneath the ground.

3. Okay, stay with me on this one.

-An Industrial strength drilling unit (to drill down to water deposits.)

-A water pump ( for drawing up said water.)

-pipe units (that can be laid from your water pump to your water containment unit/Moon Base.)

Water could then be transported directly to multiple greenhouses, creating a sort of hydroponic system.

Now this is where it gets a little out there!

I don't know what level of realism you wanted to stick to, but how about being able to build a communications array to be able to contact the base on your home planet other space craft in the area. That way you could open up a whole trading aspect of the game!

Trading food, water, seeds or even "plant water" (plants+water=plant water "It's as delicious as it sounds!") in exchange for new tech, seeds, animals or whatever!

Anyway like I said, these are just suggestions and nothing more. I'm in no way telling you how to build what is my opinion an already brilliant game. I hope this helps you figure out where you want to take the game.

P.s. I'm an Illustrator and I'd love to help work on this game for a credit.

Check out some of my stuff here and let me know what you think

Thanks again for a great game.


Thank you so much for this game. I absolutely love it. I love survival/ build games and this is right up my street.

That being said, I do have a suggestion or two. Please don't take offence I do love your game there's just a few things I think might help.

firstly, would it be possible to randomly receive seeds from plants you grow yourself? I don't know if this is already in the game but I haven't come across it yet.

Secondly, how about being able to some kind of radar/map so you can see where your base is and where you've explored?

Again I do love your game and I can't wait to see where you take it next.

Thank again for a brilliant game.


p.s. do I have to unlock something to use the water supply module?