euhm what minigame? The one that took place in your head with the sister? After a certain event caused by a normaly very sweet girl (to avoid spoilers) was that supposed to be a mini game? 🤣 i flew through that i think 🤣 just followed common logic (in my opinion). But the implementation of a walkthrough is a very good idea! Especially if it’s an optional thing. I always play through a game without one to start and then if it’s available i do an extra run with it to see wether it can lead to other or better results! So kudos for doing that!
Recent community posts
unfortunatly i can’t sub to anyone. Some issues with my bank not allowing this for some reason. Neither Substar, Patreon or even Itch. I always have to really on either free games or games that are available through (in my banks words) ‘legal’ companies like Steam. So yea if ever this game releases there i’ll probably be one of the first to buy it 😉 that is why i test games here and support later through steam or if i can find another method.
But as for now i’m more than patient enough to wait for the updates when they release.
Regardless of anything else i think you've done an awesome job so far with this game. Haven't had time to check the game after 2.4 release because i'm behind on some other issues. But as stated before you have done an exceptional job. Loving the work you've put into it and i hope you rest well and recover.
I wish you the best and we'll see when the next update(s) release ;)
thx for the reply but i’ve tried joining the server a few times but it always says invite error. Not that it’s such a bad thing i’m only missing out on spoilers 🤣 but yea i’m just hoping this game releases on steam then i can support you myself. And it doesn’t have to be a finished product on steam. There are a bunch of other games in ‘early access’ on steam that just release new content when it’s ready. Usually a week after the patreon releases. (And no i’m not trying to push you into doing this. To each their own 😉 )
i'm hoping this game reaches the steam store. Seeing as i've been hooked on this game from version 2.6 or something. And now that it's paid i can't continue playing. For some reason Itch, Patreon and the likes don't agree with my bank. Payments never go through. And i can't even access the Discord either.
So i really hope it releases on steam aswell so i can actually play it again.
well i did ‘grind’ a lot of money i think before 0.7 release dunno if the money is even needed anymore or even available been a minute since i played. And ok i just wanted to know wether i needed a restart or not. It would not have mattered but it is beter to be able to continue in stead of restarting.
i'm starting to think this has been abandoned here. If by any chance the dev sees this comment and has anywhere else i could get an update for the game (if there are any) i'ld love a link. I loved this game when i first played it and i intend to replay it again since it's been a long time. I really do hope this is not abandoned and it's just no longer publishable here for some reason
i can't join the discord. It constantly says i'm unable to accept the invite. I was in the discord some time ago but got kicked out because i was hacked. i've already upgraded and changed everything to be a lot harder to break in. But i can understand if i'm not allowed back in as i might have caused others to suffer the same fate.
i do not see his 'red flags'. All I see is 2 young adults strugling with feelings for each other which are deemed taboo by the sociatal constructs being handed down from one generation to the next. I do kinda see her as being more assertive in her approach to those feelings and him being more timid (which is refreshing to see in a VN because usually the MC is cocky SoB or at least becomes one).
Basically I don't see any problems this VN offers except to people that had their minds crippled by society.
I have friends in my circle that have had the courage to break through these boundaries. (not solely talking about inter-familiar concepts).
Now that that is out of the way, i would like to adres the dev for the game itself.
You, my good sir, have created what i would call part of a masterpiece. The story is built good, albeit very different. The characters have a decent backstory which is being explained during the story and epilogue.
The visuals are good.
The amount of content was lacking but that was to be expected from a game that has not been released that long.
All in all i give this VN a solid 8.5/10 already.
And i'm very much looking forward to new content.
Keep up the good work and i hope you will not let others dictate what's good or not. Because you have to remember that you cannot appease everyone with the same content.
Is the game continuing on steam? Or is it also only up to day 17? I've played the elysium version on it but i'm wondering if this game is still being updated or not. If the game is still being developed and updated on steam i will be buying it there again. I really love the game but if it is not being updated anymore then i probably won't bother.
I hope this is still being read by the dev or someone who can answer this.
this game is easily in my top 10 AVN's of all time. It's sad that updates are long in between but they are always worth it. I have already replayed this 3 times and it's still captivating me. I always lose track of time because of it. So i really commend the creator for being able to do this. And i'm saying this while having read a lot of AVN's.
So kuddo's and i hope the next update will come shortly :D