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A member registered Sep 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello, tysm for the sweet comment!

Sorry I just read it, do you still need help?

Okay! Honey + raspberry

Hello, thanks for playing^^ I can give you a hint: You can make it by brewing a kind of berry with a dropped item you can only get from one specific enemy!

But if you need immediate solution, let me know^^;

At times like this I wish I can put spoiler tags on my comments lolol

Hello thank you so much for playing^^

So sorry about that, I can give you a hint: It's an enchantment/buffing potion which ingredients are a berry and a dropped item you can only get from one specific enemy

But if you need immediate solution then I can give it to you as well: It's a potion made with blueberry + scale

Hello! You can get berries from the bushes

Hello there, Ashiri. Nice to meet you^^ Thank you so much! It'd be such an honor to have my game translated into Portuguese!

Should I start contacting you on twitter? I look forward to be working with you^^

Hello, thank you for taking interest^^

Unfortunately, at this moment it's not possible for me to make this game available for mac users. I'm very sorry :'

I might try again soon tho sorry for the inconvenienceT__T

Ofc it's alright! Awww thank you that's so nice :DDD

Hullo! Thank you so much for the lovely words!

Aww I'm so sorry about that. I can get you back to the point before the battle if you'd like me to. If you open the extracted game folder, then go to a folder named "www", can you please send me the save files inside the folder "save" to my email ? I'm sorry for the trouble^^;

Awww thank you so much for the lovely words!

And of course! I would love to see your fanart!! Make sure to share it to me (and/or here if you'd like to)

As for the ending, I just put it there just cause actually. There were reasons but I'll just leave it to your interpretation^^

Thanks again! I'm really glad you enjoyed the game<33

¡Hola! muchas gracias <<33

Tengo la seguridad de que el problema no fue cual poción hiciste primero. Gracias por avisarme de ese error, veré como resolver el problema. Gracias por jugarlo^^

Hi there, the Spanish file has the translation already patched into the game so I'm sorry but you have to download the game all over again :"

that's great! thank you too <33

Aww thank you so much!! :'DD<3 I'm glad that the mushrooms' words managed to reach you^^

If you're having problem with that quest, you can scroll down the comments to see some hints for it that I gave out :]

Aww thank you so much for your sweet words^^ I'm glad the mushrooms' words reached you <33

Thank you so much for playing :D <33

That is rather an unusual bug:0 I'm glad that it's managed to be fixed^^ Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Thank you so much for playing, the effort you put into your gameplay,  and for all the lovely and kind words <33

haha yea that works too:'D lol


aww tysm:'DD
You're right, the quest you missed is inside a hidden path somewhere other than the one you've already discovered.

And as for the creature, you can only encounter it when picking up apples :>

Thank you so much for playing and congrats on beating the game!!
1. I'll leave it to your interpretation ;)

2&3. I don't know how to answer these because I don't know the ones you've already discovered and the ones you haven't so I'm sorry :')

Great job on beating the game and thank you so much for playing^^

(1 edit)

Hello, there! Thank you so much, I'm really glad that you've been enjoying the game :DD I might be able to get you back to the point before the final battle so you can explore and grind some more before attempting the fight again. If you open the extracted game folder,  go to a folder named "www", your save file(s) should be inside a folder named "save". I would like for you to send me those files to my email and I'll see what I can do from there!

Hello there, Denice^^ Thank you so much for the offer! It would be such a pleasure to have the game translated to Spanish! However, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with translation projects. Would you mind to send me an email to to discuss the matter further? Thank you

thank you sm!!^^ that earthy potion sure is confusing, isn't it? :p

thank you!! 

oh, i didn't  notice that. thank you for pointing it out :DD

awww tysm :'D <333 I really hope to see games from you too^^

ah I see, alright lol

nahh, dw about it! np <3

maybe you do have the last orb but haven't brought it along with you? maybe it's left behind and is hiding somewhere around your hut ? :33

hi hi, I'll give you a little hint! poisonous potion is made by brewing two different ingredients but both ingredients should be poisonous!

I used RPG Maker MV to make this game^^ by weird icon, do you mean the rpg maker mv default taskbar icon?

good luck with your gamemaking journey!! :D

I would really appreciate it if you just post a new comment asking for the tips instead of asking for it under someone else's irrelevant comment.Also would really appreciate it as well if you don't flood the comment section with so many spammy comments.

For the tip, just scroll down, several people already asked for it and I already answered them all.

cool! great job!!

(1 edit)

ya dude, no need to spam.

just grind and get yourself overleveled. Like around level 15 should be enough to overpower the boss.

the most powerful move you can use is Double Arrow, if you're faster and lucky enough you can STUN the boss.

when the minions appear, you can decide for yourself whether to take out the minions first or the boss first. But keep in mind that the boss sometimes would weaken the minions to heal (which could work to your advantage).

also notice when the boss dives in,you will get transformed back to your human form if you were a cat.Maybe it's a good idea to Guard after the boss dives in to reduce the damage taken and you can heal mana while you're at it.

additionally, you can steal the enemies' OFFENSE buff, put them to sleep, etc.Don't forget healing potions as well.

hi, thank you!!

as for Toadd, he's probably somewhere eastern...keep your eyes peeled, he's small after all :]

wow that's new. did the game crash? and did you open the game from the .rar file without extracting it first?

also thank you!

Hello, thank you for the kind words and for the effort you put in translating as you play^^

Yes, you need to talk to Strigi in order to proceed to the 5th orb.

You can send me your "save "folder inside the "www" folder inside the game folder to my email

I will help you unfreeze the game and send the save file back to you.

Thank you for playing!^^

About the potion, don't worry, you didn't miss anything. I didn't give any hint regarding what it might be other than its taste. And the only hints for its ingredients were very subtle and too vague (hinted by the NPC with the fruits hunt quest).So yeah that's on me lol. 

There were others asking about it too. In case you still need a hint for it, here's a little hint: It's an enchantment/buffing potion which ingredients are a berry and a dropped item you can only get from one specific enemy^^

lo siento, no hay versión en español

Hi, you need a file archiver like winrar or 7-zip in order to extract the .rar file.

Ooh coolio, thank you for featuring my game!

Thank you so much for playing!! :D