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A member registered Jan 21, 2022

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Whats your discord?

I've noticed a bit of grammatical errors... would you prefer I just post them in the comments when I come accrossed them?

Is it just me or does anyone else have the problem on if your friend mind controls an enemy and its thier turn it says they harm themselves but actually heals themselves?

Also while meeting Diedre in the prison you say he and she often when talking about Diedre is it a chick or a dude???

When meetin Diedre and choosing the honest option after talking her down it says she has a gun but before it says she has a knife?

Unglow pills alone can be bought at Dr. Choppy's ( Greyfold eastside )or the Tribal market Don't know about Deradiation pills... (don't even think they exist...) You get the bunker location after talking with one of the 2 factions in greyfold (forgot thier names lol) after doing a couple missions they will say the other side needs to die so they send you to the bunker.  Side note if you want both sides to live and be a good person talk to the lady in charge of the brothel :)

It is. patreon even has v 0.2.0 >.> unfortuanate since this is a good concept but oh well time to fap to a dif game

its after the slavers attack the town.  you will recieve a house free from the villagers as thanks and when you talk to charlotte (after you helped her find her necklace iirc tht was what it was) she will say she can fix up your house or upgrade it i forgot the exact wording.  After buying all the upgrades you will have the option to take her on a date.  To not spoil the content to much you basically tell her you love her and then have sex if you choose the right option.

The help menu says to click the click button but not the red part of said button.  

Figured about the cautious part haha.  wanted to see the options so replayed a couple times and noticed the bug. just thought i'd inform you :)

Side note when skipping passed already read content the game tends to lead to game over when normally the game wouldnt

Could use a tutorial of the fighting minigame.  Didn't know to click the red part of the click button.  whenever i clicked anywhere else on the click button it counted as a miss. but when i clicked the red it worked

Sweet I look forward to it :) Games amazeballs btw

any update on how long?

nope I wasn't really thinking about saves so never saved. ended up losing to the cave plants with the last boss at 10 hp ;-; wanna retry but im stuck on the bad ending. and i know theres a final load option but i have no saves so i cant do anything

Would appreciate advice on how to go to menu to play again.  clearing browser didnt work ;-;

Also can't play on browser now cause its suck on said bad ending

(1 edit)

Add an option to go to the menu if you hit a bad end and forgot to save.  My dumbass forgot there was a save option til i hit a bad end and now im stuck on said bad end cause i cant load into a prev save+