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A member registered May 25, 2020

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Oh yeah i had figured it, thanks!

and sorry for late reply

(2 edits)

Well if cheat is the case i will try start over without any cheat, and will inform you in the future if something changes

Lemme ask something, is the CS when Barrel jerking off with another bandit still exist? if the event exist, i have never found it actually.. could you help me how to see the CS?

Seems like it, it's already third times doing start over and i'm sure that i never add any 'key' item to the game that made me get blocked.

Also, i only used the cheat to duplicate any common item/potion that already obtained before

Yes something's wrong or i just simply missing something.

I've done every step and it's all on checklist but the problem is i didn't have option to fight Scar at all, i've checked day and night but seems like no result.

In Bandit's Camp requirement, most likely it also needs to see Barrel CS first before you can fight Scar. The problem is i haven't got Barrel CS until now, what should i do to get the CS? should i go tease and sex with him during fight? or is there any way?

You need a Torch, it can made in workshop but needs plank + cloth

Or you can use glowing amulet that made by Priestess/Witch by gathering some glowshroom and bring it to one of them

Dunno why but same, there are almost no one that interest me more other than Rhot himself

Yeah it's too sad, even me had satisfied with how well i chosen my Hero route as well.  But it's quite worth something tho, the process would be more smooth than before

True, i think that's just one of many purpose this game was made for (in relationship aspect).

If you have good lizard ending, there's daily spar with Rhot that could gives you 100 exp per-day, also training with lizard warrior could gives you exp too

Oh my God ! I'm just woke up this morning and thinking about checking VN's update, then i saw this precious update

And this is really made my day, THANKS SM 

I love this VN sm, best VN among the best ones! Keep it up Monchimutt!

You're right, it's just a matter of time

According to Verrisa, it might be it. But let's don't forget the fact about Vulgor had got warmed up to MC, it's one of the hint that you said before. 

Anyway that is just first impression and few days of MC's adventure with them, i'm sure there would be more interesting part added in future and Kael would consider our hope that there might be two routes ahead  >∆<


Aw i'm curious about which the part of reference is, cuz i'm just watched Downtown Abbey few days ago tho  XD

Yeah and now i thought having two routes would make this journey even more interesting, was got uneasy by Verissa's statement about Vul just being nice to MC only for Ranok's sake although i want him so badly..

Let's hope that we can get that Daddy wolf :3

Aww let's hope that Vulgor isn't gets with Verissa since she is Shaman and must focus on spiritual thing all her life!  XD

Anyway, some of us may already targeted him to be with Caelen in the future part. Also i wonder the last two option whether Caelen likes Ranok or not, can give main impact on his feelings further (just my useless opinion :'3)

I'm looking forward for more of this VN! 

Yes it's true that this is the final build for Adastra, continuing on ending B (when Marco meet with Meera). And then, we just need to waiting for next Sequel project   >o<

Well that night scene as far as i know, apparently it was the evil "shape shifter" that Korg ever told to MC before.. (just opinion)

I ever met the same creature when i tried another bad ending (just try and didn't save it) but idk, we'll face it someday🔥

Yes, it even made me felt want to curse and kill Neferu tbh (idk but i just hate that scene)

I'm just like that until they explained all the reason it happened, then finally i felt empty inside  LMAO

(1 edit)

I know that feeling and you're right though, Chase and Leo is the most fit couple as far as ik and i loved it so much. But after the way Clint and Flynn talking so seriously about Leo's true nature (unstable), then since Leo finally known as 'Echo of Life'. For me the most rational reason is to reject him and made him realizing all his mistake. (you know what happened in the train if we didn't reject him)

And MAYBE it's quite possible to get happy ending with Leo IF he doesn't created as  "one of the Echos"  and doesn't have an unstable personality like he does in the game (idk that's ma opinion)

About what's really happening in Echo Town, maybe we need to pass all route such as carl, jenna, etc. And to knowing more about Sydney

Same lol, i even got little scared and felt goose bumps to try this game... :(

Lol same i love him too!  I have made get one Heart with Rhot after doing everything i found. But when finally i can having first sex with him, my sexual status didn't change at all even tho it's repeatable (so I'm still virgin until now  >.>) is that supposed to be a bug or something?

Also i hope you'll added more for Rhot in future build, such as dating and mating stuff (even 'marriage' time if needed... Just kidding)  >////<