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David Brunell-Brutman

A member registered Jul 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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There isn't yet, unfortunately. I've got form-fillable pdfs roadmapped for a future update

The editable sheets open in Adobe InDesign. They're for editing the layout & design of the sheets if you want to modify or hack the game

Right now the best option for typing on the game sheets is opening in something like Adobe Acrobat. It's pretty good at guessing where the text boxes need to go. Hope that helps until I'm able to release a more polished solution!

Hey there, glad you like the game! All of the original (non-Harry Potter) content in the game is released under a CC Sharealike license. That means you're free to hack, modify, or reuse the game text & rules as you'd like, as long as you provide credit and release under the same license. No permission needed

In short, go for it. Excited to see what you make!

Hm, not sure why your browser would open! These are IDML files that should open in any app that supports Adobe InDesign files

Hi! I’m not aware of any current Hungarian translation projects. But you’re more than welcome to start one, and I’m happy to offer whatever help I can!

Hi there! Thanks so much – it would be very cool to have a Czech translation

Please email me at david at and I'll send you the source files

Amazing! I'll add the link to the game page

Merci pour vos efforts!

I haven't playtested it solo myself, but I know folks have done it successfully

Hogwarts is Powered by the Apocalypse, so anything that adapts PbtA games for solo-play should work. (The game is most heavily based on Monster of the Week, Masks, and Dungeon World, so look for tools for playing those solo)

Here's one I found from a quick Reddit search that looks interesting:

Hope that helps some!

Each player character can do every action on the downtime list one time.

Note they’re not required to do all 4 actions – they can choose to to 4, 3, 2, 1, or none.

Hope that clears it up!

Thanks for working on that! Please send me the doc or a link at and I'll add it to the game page

Hi! Glad you’ve gotten so many sessions out of the base Hogwarts game & hope you’re having fun with it

I’ve been diverted by other projects & haven’t gotten back to finalizing the Wizarding World/MotW materials to post. But if you’d like the in-progress versions, you can email me at

That’s exactly the idea, yes!

I don't have any plans to update the game with material outside the original books & films, but the game is flexible enough for anyone to create their own add-ons!

The next (and likely final) addition to Hogwarts will be the Monster of the Week hack, to allow for games set outside the school with characters who aren't students

Thanks! Glad you liked the game

The main bonus of a higher trait is being better at associated moves. Things are deliberately minimal/abstract to not overload players. (So, for example, Hermione casting a higher year spell would fall under the more abstracted Luck mechanic)

Of course, you're more than welcome to hack the game & add more complex mechanics. I'd love to hear how it goes! My only recommendation is to see how it plays as-written, so you can get a sense of what actually works & doesn't work for your group

A tabletop RPG where you play high-society Regency birds. Embroil yourself in the drama of bird honor, bird courtship, bird inheritance, and bird scandal. An unofficial expansion for Good Society, the Jane Austen RPG

(2 edits)

Bird Society is public! Happy New Year!

Thank you

1 more tweak I'm considering – changing "Skirmish" to "Attack"

I'm finding that players want to attack inanimate objects (doors, computer systems, etc), and "Skirmish" doesn't feel right.

But, because "Attack" is a such prevalent term across ttrpgs, it has a lot of mechanical baggage (and it's kinda boring). Open to thoughts, if anyone has them!

Sorry this took so long, but I've added a IDML file of the playbook & playset layouts. This should open in InDesign or Affinity and allow you to fill in your own info for custom playbooks & playsets

Very cool! I'll add it above as well

It's happening

Oh yeah! Streets of Gotham uses the Operators playset, with custom factions

I'll create a page for for free bonus playbooks & add it

Hm! Definitely a display error of some sort. What are you viewing this with, and on what platform?

Hi there! Yes, the game is still in development

How are you viewing the sheets with problem text? PDF? Printout? The text in question should be dark on a light color background, like this:

Moves sheets are done, playbooks are still in progress. Email me (at and I can send you the 1st draft moves sheets. If you want specific playbooks for a game, let me know which ones and I can try to prioritize finishing those layouts

Thanks! I can barely claim credit; it's just a generalized restatement of the more specific XP triggers in the original BitD playbooks. But I do love an XP trigger that leads to thematic problem-solving

Fantastic! Thanks so much for working on this. Awesome that you did the podcast & actual-play, too! I'll add a link

Hi George – the Narrator Reference and Notes sheets are pages 7-8 in the full game PDF

Hi! Yes, you're more than welcome to translate, no permission needed. However, note that there are a few German translations in progress – you may want to wait on those to finish before starting your own

Thanks! Go for it, and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or need any resources

Not only totally free, but deliberately impossible to pay for! I hope your daughter & her friends have a wonderful time :)

Thank you Mori! You and the rest of the French translation team did a fantastic job on this and the final version looks lovely. I've added a link to the game info above

Thanks so much for the kind words! I couldn't have done it without looking at a lot of other, excellent games. Glad to hear your 1st session went so well :)

Thanks! For licensing: Any material borrowed or adapted from this game should be released under a CC BY-NC-SA license, but any original material you develop can be released under whatever license you'd like. You can include a note in your copyright section or a footnote in the rules text

And let me know what you make! I'd love to see it

I would follow how its depicted in the books & movies – sometimes the spell you're trying to end is too powerful, sometimes the caster isn't skilled enough, sometimes a more specific counter-spell is called for:

Hm. I'm not sure I understand your question – Finite Incantatem is a Defence spell, not a Healing spell. And Healing spells are not required to clear Conditions, they just have the ability to do so, if successfully cast

Finite Incantatem would only be able to clear a Condition caused by another spell, while Healing spells can clear Conditions caused in other ways (cuts, broken bones, etc)

Does that help at all?

Either make them roll for it, or explain why it wouldn't work at all

The general rule is roll when the outcome is in doubt. This means players don't need to roll when there's no chance a spell would fail, but it also means they can't roll if there's no chance it would succeed. No regular student is fast or powerful enough to cast a counterspell against Voldemort, for example. There's simply no scenario where that could succeed

If you can't think of any reason the spell would fail (which would trigger a roll) or simply not work, you should let the players cast it successfully

Other things to think about: What are the results of using the counterspell? What new problems does it create? What new mysteries does it uncover? How does it spark the next step in the adventure? And, when saying something won't work & players can't roll for it, always make sure you offer an alternative. Players can't counterspell Voldemort, but maybe they could evade or trick him instead

I laid this out in Illustrator, which I absolutely do not recommend. I've switched to InDesign for subsequent games. I haven't used Affinity, so I can't speak to that as a layout tool, but I believe it's somewhat similar to InDesign

Glad you and your sons are enjoying the game!

Fantastic! Thanks for taking the time to do this. I'll see what I can do about re-saving to PDF and adding to the game downloads

I built the sheets in InDesign – let me see what I can do about exporting to an Affinity-friendly format

Technically comforting & supporting is a move, yes. However, I opted not to list it with the other moves because you never roll for it. (Unlike the Masks version, there’s no uncertainty about the outcome.)

So “comforting & supporting someone” is the fictional trigger, and the outcome is always that they clear a Condition.