Mine were all duplicates the first time around, when it didn't trigger, so no idea.
Recent community posts
Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but if you line up something like Templar-Familiar-Familiar, the Templar gaining attack will boost the first Familiar, but the first Familiar gaining attack won't trigger the second Familiar.
Also, if a Dancer activates a follower that has an additional attack, the follower will attack once, not twice. Again, could be intentional.
Seems to be possible to lock the game up if you buy upgrades in the 'wrong' order - an upgrade automatically trades cells for neurons, and if you buy that too soon you immediately run out of cells, can't earn them as fast as they're used, and can't buy anything else.
Also, the game could really use a way to see what upgrades do before you buy them.
The game designer has confirmed it works in Firefox. If you're having a problem with hundreds of games that work for everyone else, the problem is not with the games. It's you.
Use Chrome, or stop using Linux, or go make games yourself. Just stop complaining constantly on every game page as if the entire world needs to cater to your exact whims.
So use a different browser or device or setup if your specific setup is frequently not working. Most of the time (even in that very thread) it'll turn out that it works fine in Firefox for other people.
By constantly posting about it you're wasting the time of the game makers trying to fix your problem.
Interesting game, but a lot of hitting a wall, restarting and clicking to get back to where you were.
Also, seems like the game doesn't have any sort of autosave or cookie save? I didn't even close the tab, just watched something in another window, and the game lost all my progress and resources except for boosts.
Fun game. The amount of tasks that unlock can be a bit overwhelming, but the search function helps a lot. A couple of QoL suggestions:
* A button to clear all actions. I ended up using one of the loadouts for a blank slate, because it was quicker than dragging away every action individually.
* A pause button so you can set things up without it running partially or in the wrong order.
* Some of the unlock conditions are fiddly - it seems that 'gaining' doesn't count as 'producing', maybe? Also it only counts as producing something if you have room to store it, so sometimes you need to deliberately spend resources first, which is a pain.
* Asteroid Shower appears to be bugged and doesn't generate Rocks.
Great game, and love the generous demo, single-unlock, no ads, business model. Happy to support!
Does anyone know why achievement copying doesn't seem to work on Chromebook? I get the message saying 'copied to clipboard' but nothing actually copies onto the clipboard. Just trying to sync up my achievements on Chromebook and phone. Ta.
Had a fun run being incredibly picky about what I added. Used IAs to remove my starting civilians, got an apprentice thief and a leader flag. Ended up with two journeyman thieves and three leader flags, hardly anything else so the thieves always got the multipliers. Thieves won the game on their own, especially if the three multipliers landed on the same one.
Fun game, although a bit slow, and I tend to like more automation in idle games.
A couple of quick suggestions:
* A way to throw away items you don't want. It's easy for your inventory to get clogged with worthless items, and it's a nuisance to make a trip to the merchant for a handful of coins.
* Related to the above, some items don't stack in your backpack. Cloth is worth like two coins, but each one takes up a slot instead of stacking like rat tails or frog legs.
* I think there's a glitch with loot drops for wolves. I've had the animation for meat several times without actually gaining it Oh, never mind, I think 'autoconsumable' means I was automatically eating the meat as soon as I picked it up.
A month and a half later, I beat this legitimately. Or at least I maxed out the energy, which didn't seem to do anything but I'm counting it. By the end I just let it run and fill up because that was quicker than resetting and actually buying units or buildings.
If you ever do revisit this, obviously costs should go down and the cap on mass conversion should be lessened. It just takes too long to buy anything. But more important would be to reduce or remove the energy cost on buildings. The constant resetting to convert is already very grindy, but it's downright painful when every reset deactivates all your buildings and they take so long to switch back on again.
Interesting mechanics and a nice clean design, but it seems to get really grindy really quick between the low caps on units, the big jumps in costs, and the rapid drop in the matter conversion ratio. Once you hit ten 16-cost units, it takes a long time to buy a single 256-cost, let alone your first building. Guessing it'll speed up a lot later, though.