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A member registered Jul 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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Děkujeme! \o/

Cute story with a great ending, also fits the theme very well!:)

Thanks! We hope to fulfil the programmers vision later as an easter egg


glad you liked it!


diky moc:)

moc potěšilo, děkujeme!

Made me feel all warm and buggy inside

very nice made me go hehe

Fun gamezie:) *blocks zorynda*

Im excited to hear (?) how this game develops further.

after all
dont put the bean on me

hodně nice!

Hra me provedla od mého pomalého, statického a metodického přístup, který jsem používal v druhém levelu k freeflowing, neustálevpohybu stylu, který po mě vyžadoval třetí level. Touto nenásilnou a přirozenou evolucí jsem se z vystrašeného maséra proměnil v "Pan Ninja" a teprve tehdy poznal, co to znamená svoboda. Děkuji.

Jsem jako vítr,
vanu, hučím.

Nepolapitelný, neviditelný,
stále tady.

Nejtvrdší uzly rozfučím,
stěny steny ozvučím,
geishy hrdina.

Thank you for reawaking the dog in me through this game.

Got me pretty hooked and made me finish the game even though it was quite frustrating at times (managed to get 6 sheep xd). I couldnt be bothered to deal with the enemies at all, didnt really get how to deal with the red guy so I just rushed through. The controls are the real skill check I think, especially the bouncing mushroom. I think my main issue was with finding where to go next, had me going through the same areas over and over again and having to battle with the controls again. I think the level could be a bit more linear or more intuitive, as we play without a map.
Anyway I still finished the game! So please take this as a positive comment as I overall enjoyed the game.

Quite hard! Lots of different controls, i ended up propelling myself the way i wanted just with the shooting. But still a really nice game:)

Thank you for playing and burping!

You will always end up buried in trash:) and you can eat whatever you wish. Thanks for playing!

Thank you very much playing and for the kind words! :) 

Kácov served in Whirling Rags my new headcanon

Lovely sparkling vajayjay

Thanks MatNut!