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A member registered Oct 22, 2020

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Totally agree! There is nothing to do in this "game"

Well, one thing that popped into my mind: Roosters are useless in the game, but in reality without a rooster the eggs should be unfertilized and you should not be able to incubate eggs...

this game is very one-dimensional. Except for increasing attack speed, it seems to me, that there is no need to upgrade

Hm I feel like the stats on top are a bit difficult to comprehend (e.g. would be nice to have actual hight vs max hight - not GB per sec if it is not implemented etc.). The Saphire and Emerald research is kind of off (it appears in the middle replacing GB research and then it has no use?!?.... 

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does not seem to work for me....What is the formular for that extra IP?

The upgrade screen is incorrectly showing the next level

I don't get how to close the build menu?!?

^hit boxes are odd and wall-jump (i guess it was) did not work

the error message is a bit annoying. Couly be a integrated instead of a popup box you have to click away

Errror to report: Can buy all upgrades to max without any money.

Still not sure what is on the other side :(

wow much funnier when you explain things

Straight line is possible....

never mind...had to get autojump....

HI, my clone stopped working after a while and sits in a corner and does not do anything anymore

I currently see ascend as a bit of a bummer....the impact it has (only level 30) for only one incarnation makes it a bit counterproductive....

Yes rebalancing will be quite neccessary: 

also the levels do not increase something except for house looks (at least as far as I can tell - level 8) I would suggest to add some sort of increase from level to level. 

the game feels a bit one-dimensional yet. Some sort of prestige mechanism would be good I think.

Never give up, never surrender!

That I don't get loot or that I can increase health by a bar?

Short error report: Enabling two times fighting speed increasaes the health regeneration while recovering. Seems to be an error or?

Do you actually can get items right now? I am rather very unlucky or the game is not having items yet.

Workaround that worked now: Reload website..then it starts with t7

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Yes the same occured on my game. T7 and the game freezes and an error message occured (Windows+ Chrome) 

for my personal taste it is very slow to appear. also I played for a while and only have 2 upgrades.

never mind...they appeared....

Upgrades button does not work for me


what is this game about? how to play? What is the game? 

I need instructions

The game is not in english why?

Yes, purchases did not increase anything...just the red box suddenly increased the seeds per click to 10...other puchases did not change anythign as far as i can tell

Agree tot he below, really messy programmed game. The seeds per second do not work either in browser.

I would love solutions and not excuses, Damien...

I let it run in the background for a while and keep checking. From my perspective the auto prestige breaks the game flow a lot. I've I think 4 or 5 prestiges...and still on level 2....never managed to get to 3 because the game resets

Okay and suddnely the game prestiges and I restart without deciding anything :( that was a bummer

So overall I like the game - especially the music is a great choice. 
What could be improved: 
- after a connection issue, a white line appeared seems to be loading something or counting something.
- the start in a new circle is a bit slow and hard to get.
- Dante describes 9 cicles of hell.... I only see 5 levels (currently in 2)

I would suggest to improve of the preassure thing, that you make the player buy the mine (0 at the start - then you enter into the debt) and that the debt increases every second due to intrest payments, so that you have the preassure to improve or go under in your debt

Tho I like the graphics/game style, the game itself is very random: Why do I get money from pressing stuff, what determiens how much money I get, what is the material I press? 
It simply does not make sense...

Missing dragons, false advertising....otherwise good game :D

IT's great game. Sad it was no longer updated.