Топ топ топ топ *Кррррыыыыым* топ топ топ топ топ топ *Кррррыыыыым* топ топ топ топ топ топ *Кррррыыыыым* ЧЁ СТОИМ? топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ топ ЧЁ СТОИМ? Ну ты и лооох.
It crashes for some reason when the Wendigo spawns. The same thing happens when I start the game in "Lighthouse of the Dead". What can be the reason? Maybe I need to install a new version of Microsoft Visual Studio or something?
This SM64 game page looks a little bit uncanny. I would like to play SM64 but I am scared. I looked at the game files and haven't found anything. That makes me feel more scared. Is this really a horror game or not?